(Edited by Z. Kotitsa) (last updated December 28th, 2016)



J. BOARDMAN, The Triumph of Dionysos Convivial processions, from antiquity to the present, Oxford 2014.

Congress Proceedings

P. GULDAGER BILDE – M. L. LAWALL (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014).

S. SCHIERUP – V. SABETAI (eds.), The regional production of Red-figure pottery. Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria, Gösta Enbom monographs 4 (Aarhus 2014).

8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014).

ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014).


J. LUND, Pots and Politics: Reflections on the Circulation of Pottery in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Kingdoms, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 297–305.

J.-P. MOREL, Les campaniennes A et B, deux aspects d’une ‘globalisation’ économique et culturelle des céramiques tardo-hellénistiques, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 323–335.

D. REGEV, The Phoenician Origins of Eastern Sigillata A, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 351–363.

L-A. TRAKATELLI, Από τον αμφορέα στο μυροδοχείο. Η κατηγορία των «ψευδοκυπριακών» αγγείων, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 477–485.

CENTRAL ASIA (K. Junker – Z. Kotitsa)

R. MAIRS, The Hellenistic Far East. Archaeology, Language, and Identity in Greek Central Asia (Oakland/California 2014).


N. D. DVURECHENSKAYA, Раннеэллинистический закрытый керамический комплекс террасного дома Кампыртепа / Early Hellenistic pottery of the so called terrace-house in Kampyrtepa, in: A. A. Sinitsyn – M. M. Kholod, ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΔΩΡΟΝ. Studies and Essays in Honour of Valerii P. Nikonorov on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday (St. Petersburg 2014) 100-121.

CROATIA (I. Kamenjarin)

I. KAMENJARIN, Hellenistic Moldmade Relief Pottery from Siculi (Resnik), VjesDal 107, 2014, 129–160.

M. UGARKOVIĆ, Oil-Lamps from Graeco-Hellenistic Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split, VjesDal 107, 2014, 161–200.

M. UGARKOVIĆ – B. ŠEGVIĆ – R. FERREIRO MÄHLMANN, Insights in the technology of manufacture and provenance of ceramic vessels from the necropolis of Hellenistic Issa (Middle Adriatic, Croatia), in: A. Beqiraj et al. (eds.), Proceedings XX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Tirana September 24–26 2014, Buletini I Shkencave Gjeologjike 1/2014, Special Issue (Tirana 2014) 71.

CYPRUS (Z. Kotitsa – K. Nocon)

S. ÉLAIGNE., Les céramiques à paroi fine dans l’Orient du début de l’Empire et leurs imitations égyptiennes, cnidiennes et paphiennes, ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 19–26.

J. MŁYNARCZYK, Wyspa u wybrzeży wyspy. Tajemnica Jeronisos w świetle znalezisk naczyń ceramicznych, in: M. Borowska – P. Kordos – D. Maliszewski (eds.), Cypr: dzieje, literatura, kultura, Vol. II (Warsaw 2014) 419-432.

E. PAPUCI-WŁADYKA, Closed Deposit from the Cistern South of the Villa of Theseus in Nea Paphos, Cyprus, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 350.

A. H. VIONIS, Stirring Pots on Fire: A Diachronic and Interdisciplinary Study of Cooking Pots from Cyprus, in: A. Gagatis – P. Eteokleus (eds.), A.G. Leventis Research Projects 2000-2016 Reviews and Contribution (Nicosia 2014) 107–129.

K. WINTHER-JACOBSEN, Craft Specialization in Hellenistic-Roman Cyprus: Identity or Habitus?, ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 99–104.

EGYPT (Chr. Römer-Strehl)

S. DHENNIN et al., Prospection archéologique de Kôm Abou Billou/Térénouthis (Delta) – 2013, BCE 24, 2014, 51–68.

N. HUDSON, Preliminary report on the pottery at Tell Timai (Thmuis), Bulletin de Liaison de la Céramique Égyptienne 24 (2014) 15-49.

S. LADSTÄTTER, Becoming Greek – Staying Egyptian. A Pottery Contribution to the Hellenisation of Upper Egypt, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 364–365.

J. LUND, Pots and Politics: Reflections on the Circulation of Pottery in the Ptolemaic and Seleukid Kingdoms, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 297–305.


CORSICA (E. Piccardi)


F. MICHEL – D. PASQUALAGGICarte Archéologique de la Gaule 2A-2B : La Corse. Pré-inventaire archéologique publié sous la direction de Michel Provost (Paris 2014).


L. GIANNONI, Nouvelle forme de céramique probablement corse de la région de Populonia, in: La Corse et le monde méditerranéen des origines au Moyen-Âge: échanges et circuits commerciaux. Actes du colloque de Bastia 21–22 novembre 2013, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Historiques & Naturelles de la Corse 746-747, 2014, 61–66.


(Regions are listed from north to south)

MACEDONIA (Z. Kotitsa)


M. LILIMBAKI-AKAMATI – N. AKAMATIS, Ανατολικό νεκροταφείο Πέλλας. Ανασκαφικές περίοδοι 1991–2007 (Thessaloniki 2014).


N. AKAMATIS, Discovering Macedonian Red-figure Pottery: A new Pelike attributed to the Pella Workshop, BSA 109 (2014), 223–249.

N. AKAMATIS, Local Red-figure Pottery from the Macedonian Kingdom: The Pella Workshop, in: S. Schierup – V. Sabetai (eds.), The regional production of red-figure pottery. Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria, (Aarhus 2014) 177–190.

V. BACHLAS – Α. SIROS, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από δύο πηγάδια-αποθέτες του Πιερικού Ηρακλείου, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 205–233.

CHR. KALLINI, Κλειστά ταφικά σύνολα από τα μέσα του 4ου έως και τα μέσα του 3ου αι. π.Χ. από το δυτικό νεκροταφείο της αρχαίας Πύδνας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 639–646.

G. KARAMITROU-MENTESIDI, Αιανή: Ταφές με νομίσματα στο Ανατολικό Νεκροταφείο, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 235–243.

Α. KIRIAKOU, Ο «αποθέτης των γλυπτών» στο ιερό της Εύκλειας στη Βεργίνα. Πρώτη προσέγγιση της κεραμικής, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 503–513.

Ζ. KOTITSA, Τυπολογία, χρονολόγηση και χρήση μυροδοχείων: Ενδείξεις από τη βόρεια Πιερία, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 407–424.

Α. PANTI, Τοπική κεραμική ελληνιστικών χρόνων από τα Λείβηθρα. Μια πρώτη προσέγγιση, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 647–657.

Ν. POULAKAKIS, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τη Βέροια.Το οικόπεδο Νιώπα, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 637–638.

Ε. STEFANI – Ν. V. PAPPAS, Εισαγόμενα προϊόντα και εγχώρια κεραμική παραγωγή από την κλασική και ελληνιστική Βέροια, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 191–204.

THESSALY (Z. Kotitsa)

H. SEILHEIMER, Die hellenistische Keramik aus Demetrias. Importeund lokale Produktion: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 245–256.



Κ. LIAMBI, Η οικονομία της βορειοδυτικής Ελλάδας κατά την ελληνιστική περίοδο: Ήπειρος, Ακαρνανία και Αιτωλία, νησιά του Ιονίου, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 25–62.


Α. ANGELI – Μ. KARABA, Κεραμική ελληνιστικών χρόνων από δημόσιο κτίριο της Αμβρακίας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 63–67.

E. A. BOLLEN, The Hellenistic Pottery of Kalydon and Chalkis Aitolias, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 133–138.

G. DÖHNER, Stratos (Akarnania). Technological Aspects of Ceramic Production, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 597–601.

I. FAKLARI – Μ. NIAROU, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από αγροικία στο Νομό Άρτας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 369–374.

P. GIOUNI – CHR. KLITSAS – P. TATSOPOULOU, Κλειστό σύνολο αγγείων της πρώιμης ελληνιστικής περιόδου από τον κάμπο Ξηρόβαλτου στο Πωγώνι Ιωαννίνων, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 549–554.

D. ILIOPOULOS – L. MALATARA, Παρατηρήσεις στην τυπολογία και τη χρήση κανθάρων και ληκύθων από τη Δυτική Ελλάδα, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 631–634.

Ο. KAROUTA, Σύνολο πρώιμης ελληνιστικής κεραμικής από το ανατολικό νεκροταφείο της Αμβρακίας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 581–588.

Ι. KATSADIMA – Μ. KARABA, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από οικία της Αμβρακίας. Πινάκια και ανάγλυφοι σκύφοι, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 69–83.

Th. KIRKOU, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από το ανατολικό νεκροταφείο της αρχαίας Αμβρακίας (οικόπεδα Μερκοβίτη και Κοκκινέλλη), in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 573–580.

F. LANG – L. KOLONAS et al., Portable ED-RFA (P-ED-XRF): Neue Wege der Keramikforschung in Akarnanien (Westgriechenland) – Vorläufige Ergebnisse, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 589–596.

Κ. LAZARI, Αποθηκευτικά αγγεία από τον αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Ελέας Θεσπρωτίας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 393–397.

G. PLIAKOU, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από δημόσιο κτίριο στην ακρόπολη «Μεγάλου Γαρδικίου», στο λεκανοπέδιο Ιωαννίνων, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 85–95.

Κ. PREKA-ALEXANDRI, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τα Γίτανα, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 97–108.

Κ. PREKA-ALEXANDRI – A. SGOUROUDIS, Τρεις μνημειώδεις τάφοι του Βόρειου Νεκροταφείου των Γιτάνων, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 555–564.

N. SCHWERDT, Keramikforschung in Stratos (Akarnanien). Typologische und chronologische Aspekte hellenistischer und römischer Unguentaria, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 603–609.

Ε. SERBETI – Τ. PANAGOU – Α. EFSTATHOPOULOS, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από το νεκροταφείο των Οινιαδών, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 125–132.

Μ. STAVROPOULOU-GATSI, Ερυθρόμορφες λήκυθοι υστεροκλασικών-πρώιμων ελληνιστικών χρόνων σε τάφους της Αιτωλοακαρνανίας. Πρώτη παρουσίαση, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 117–124.

Ε. D. VASILIOU, Πρώιμη ελληνιστική κεραμική από κιβωτιόσχημο τάφο στον Κερασώνα Πρέβεζας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 569–572.


M. DEOUDI, ΕΥΧΗΝ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙ. Die spätklassischhellenistisches Tafel- und Essgeschirr aus der Höhle-Loizos aus Ithaka, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 151–157.

V. GIZA, Ένας κιβωτιόσχημος τάφος από το νότιο νεκροταφείο της Λευκάδας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 617–622.

I. FAKLARI, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τον τάφο του νότιου νεκροταφείου της αρχαίας Λευκάδας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 611–615.

H. KAPPA, Ελληνιστική κεραμική «Δυτικής Κλιτύος» από το βόρειο νεκροταφείο της Λευκάδας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 141–150.

V. STAÏKOU – V. GISA – Κ. LEONTARITI, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τη Λευκάδα. Στρώμα κατάχωσης κτιρίου στον πυρήνα του νότιου νεκροταφείου, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 623–630.

BOEOTIA (G. Ackermann)

A. ALEXANDROPOULOU, Ερμιτάζ – Οξφόρδη – Κάσσελ: Η σύγχρονη διασπορά των προïόντων ενός βοιωτικού εργαστηρίου της κεραμικής της «Δυτικής Κλιτύος», in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 257–262.

A. CHARAMI, Ελληνιστική Θήβα : στοιχεία από τα νεκροταφεία της πόλης, in: B. Aravantinos – E. Kountouri (eds.), 100 Χρόνια Αρχαιολογικoύ Έργου στη Θήβα: Οι πρωτεργάτες των ερευνών και οι συνεχιστές τους, Συνεδριακό κέντρο Θήβας 15–17 Νοεμβρίου 2002 (Athens 2014), 295–313.

EUBOEA (G. Ackermann)

Μ. CHIDIROGLOU, Ευβοïκές λεκάνες, λεκανίδες και πυξίδες ελληνιστικών χρόνων, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 425–439.

ATTICA (G. Ackermann)

G. CHAIRETAKIS, Πρώιμη ελληνιστική κεραμική από τη Σαλαμίνα, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 661–667.

G. G. LÔLOS, Ελληνιστικό κεραμοποιείο στη Σαλαμίνα, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 659–660.

CHR. MITSOPOULOU, Το αττικό σκεύος των Ελευσινίων Μυστηρίων: πρόταση χρονολόγησης, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 441–466.

S. I. ROTROFF, Sulla and the Pirates, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 83–109.

S. I. ROTROFF, The Pottery from the Agora Bone Well, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 517–527.
CHR. THEODÔROPOULOU – G. KAVVADIAS – B. NTAÏAKI, Ύστερο ελληνιστικό-πρώιμο ρωμαïκό νεκροταφείο στην οδό Αγ. Κωνσταντίνου και Γερανίου (Αθήνα), in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 263–274.

PELOPONNESE (G. Ackermann – G. Shipley)

S. A. JAMES, Bridging the Gap: Local Pottery Production in Corinth 146-44 BC, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 47–63.

S. A. JAMES, The Last of the Corinthians? Society and Settlement from 146 to 44 BCE, in: S. J. Friesen – S. A. James – D. N. Schowalter (eds.), Corinth in Contrast. Studies in Inequality (Leiden/Boston 2014) 17–37.

S. A. JAMES, Νέα χρονολόγηση της κορινθιακής ελληνιστικής επιτραπέζιας κεραμικής. Ο αγρός της Παναγίας, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 529–534.

V. MITSOPOULOS-LEON, Einige Haushaltgefässe aus den Häusern in Lousoi, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 275–283.

G. SANDERS – Y. MIURA – L. KVAPIL, A Re-examination of some of the South Stoa Wells at Corinth, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 65–81.

CHR. SCHAUER, Ein Votivdepot in Lousoi (Nordarkadien), in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 669–676.

AEGEAN (Z. Kotitsa – A. Laftsidis)

A. PEIGNARD-GIROS – H. MEYZA, Eastern Sigillata from Delian Destruction Deposits, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 535–545.

P. TRIANTAFILIDIS, Πήλινες κυψέλες από την αρχαία Τραγαία (Αγαθονήσι), in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 467–474.


N. BADOUD, The Contribution of Inscriptions to the Chronology of Rhodian Amphora Eponyms, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 17–28.

Κ. BAIRAMI, Πρώιμοι ροδιακοί αμφορείς: Η μαρτυρία ενός αποθέτη από την πόλη της Pόδου, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 301–312.

CRETE (Z. Kotitsa – N. Vogeikoff-Brogan)


N. VOGEIKOFF-BROGAN, Mochlos III: The Late Hellenistic Settlement. The Beam-Press Complex (Philadelphia 2014).


Ν. KARAMALIKI, Κλειστό σύνολο κεραμικής από την Αγία Ειρήνη Ρεθύμνου, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 677–684.

A. ΤSARAVOPOULOS et al., Ελληνιστική κεραμική από την αρχαία Αιγιλία και τη Φαλάσαρνα. Συγκριτική παρουσίαση, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 285–290.

Ν. TSATSAKI, Εργαστήρια κεραμικής στην ελληνιστική Κρήτη. Οργάνωση – παραγωγή – επιδράσεις, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 291–300.

N. TSATSAKI – E. NODAROU, A new Hellenistic Amphora Production Centre in West Crete (Loutra, Rethymnon): Study and Petrographic Analalysis of the Pottery Assemblage, BSA 109, 2014, 287–315.

ITALY (Coord. L. Ambrosini)

(Regions are listed from north to south)



J. P. MOREL, Les campaniennes A et B, deux aspects d’une “globalisation” économique et culturelle des céramiques tardo-hellénistiques, in: P. Guldager ˗ M. L. Lawall (eds), Pottery,peoples and places: study and interpretation of Late Hellenistic pottery, Black Sea Studies 16, Aarhus 2014, 323–335.

Edited Collections of Papers

L. AMBROSINI – V. JOLIVET (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014).

S. SCHIERUP – V. SABETAI (eds.), The regional production of Red-figure pottery. Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria, Gösta Enbom monographs 4 (Aarhus 2014).


Congress Proceedings

P. BARRAL (ed.), Les Celtes et le Nord de l’Italie. Premier et Second Ages du Fer. Actes du 36ème colloque international de l’AFEAF Vérone 17–20 mai 2012 (Dijon 2014).

Edited Collections of Papers

F. ROSSI (ed.), Un luogo per gli dei. L’area del Capitolium a Brescia (Firenze 2014).


A. BONINI, La ceramica a vernice nera, in: F. Rossi (ed.), Un luogo per gli dei. L’area del Capitolium a Brescia (Firenze 2014) 123–131.

A. GAUCCI – V. MINGUZZI – G. GASPAROTTO – E. ZANTEDESCHI, Ceramiche a vernice nera della necropoli etrusca di Valle Trebbia, Spina (Fe): dati archeologici e archeometrici, Padusa 50, 2014, 191-216.

F. MUSCOLINO, I sequestri di materiale archeologico in Lombardia. Alcuni esempi. Atti del Convegno “L’eredità salvata. Realtà e prospettive a confronto per la tutela e la fruizione dei beni numismatici di interesse archeologico” Milano 22 novembre 2013, Notiziario del portale numismatico dello stato 5 (Roma 2014) 46–48.

M. T. GRASSI, La seconda età del Ferro e la romanizzazione, in: M. Harari (ed.), Il territorio di Varese in età romana (Varese 2014) 41–60.

L. ZAMBONI, Fade to Grey. The Grey Pottery in Northern Italy between 6th and 1st centuries B.C., Lanx 15, 2014, 74-110.


P. MELLI (ed.), Genova dalle origini all’anno Mille. Archeologia e Storia (Genova 2014).



L. BRACCESI, Ionios Poros: la porta dell’Occidente. Secondo supplemento a Grecità Adriatica, Hesperìa 31 (Roma 2014).


R. STUANI, La ceramica a Verona tra il II secolo a.C. e l’età augustea: il caso di Via Redentore 9, ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 485–494.


S. ROMAGNOLI (ed.), Il santuario etrusco di Villa Cassarini a Bologna (Bologna 2014).

MARCHE (Z. Kotitsa, P. Puppo)


S. VIRGILI, Monte Rinaldo, santuario ellenistico (Ancona 2014).


M. MAMBELLI, Ceramica a vernice nera, in: L. Mazzeo Saracino (ed.), Scavi di Suasa I. I reperti ceramici e vitrei dalla Domus dei Coiedii. Studi e Scavi n.s. 39 (Bologna 2014), 115-159.

S. MORSIANI, Coppe megaresi. in: L. Mazzeo Saracino (ed.), Scavi di Suasa I. I reperti ceramici e vitrei dalla Domus dei Coiedii. Studi e Scavi n.s. 39 (Bologna 2014), 111-112.

S. PETRELLI Ancona. Santa Maria della Piazza: per una rilettura della stratigrafia archeologica, Picus 34, 2014, 147-157.

P. PUPPO, Recenti ritrovamenti di ceramica megarese ad Ancona, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 381–388.


Edited Collections of Papers

L. AMBROSINI – V. JOLIVET (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014).


B. ADEMBRI, Aspects de la céramographie étrusque septentrionale. Le cratère à figures rouges de Casole d’Elsa, in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 369–379.

L. AMBROSINI, Regarder l’ailleurs. Influences allogènes, tendance minimalistes et trompe-l’oeil sur les plats de Genucilia, in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 429–438.

L. AMBROSINI, The Mario del Chiaro Photographic Archive of Etruscan vase painting at the Getty Research Institute, EtrSt 17, 2014, 88–91.

D. AROBBA et al., Palaeobotanical, chemical and physical investigation of the content of an ancient wine amphora from the northern Tyrrhenian sea in Italy, JASc 45, 2014, 226–233.

B. BELLELLI MARCHESINI et al., Pyrgi. Analisi delle fortificazioni della colonia romana e rapporti con l’abitato etrusco, in: F. Serra (ed.), Caere e Pyrgi. Il territorio, la viabilità e le fortificazioni. Atti della Giornata di studio. Roma, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1 marzo 2012, Caere 6 (Pisa 2014) 197-263.

M. BONAMICI, Il “viaggio” verso l’aldilà, in: G. Passatelli – A. Russo Tagliente (eds.), Il viaggio oltre la vita. Gli Etruschi e l’aldilà tra capolavori e realtà virtuale. Exhibition Catalogue Bologna (Bologna 2014) 45–51.

D. BRIQUEL, Les askos portant des marques au nom d’Atrane, in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 439–450.

S. BRUNI, Le Peintre de la centauromachie de Populonia. Nouveau éléments. in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 355–368.

M. A. DE LUCIA BROLLI, Eracle tra i Falisci. Il sogno dell’immortalità, in: G.M. Della Fina – L. Mercuri – M. A. De Lucia Brolli, Sulle orme di Eracle, Exhibition Catalogue Cività Castellana 2014 (Roma 2014) 26–35.

A. GOBBI – M. MILLETTI, Le lekythoi a reticolo e la loro diffusione lungo la dorsale tirrenica, ArchCl 65, 2014, 139–180.

M. HARARI – M. FRANCESCHINI, Out of the tondo. The exterior of the Clusium Cups. An iconographical reconsideration, in: S. Schierup – V. Sabetai (eds.), The regional production of red-figure pottery. Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria (Aarhus 2014) 291–301.

V. JOLIVET, Usual suspects. Une oenochoé étrusque à figures rouges des Musées Capitolins, in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 397–413.

D. F. MARAS, Il pittore delle gorgoni di Heidelberg e la seconda generazione di ceramografi “campanizzanti” in Etruria, RendPontAc 86, 2013-14, 449–475.

F. H. MASSA-PAIRAULT, Le skyphos 97.372 de Boston. Scènes “historiques” et histoire du IVe siècle av. J.-C. in: L. Ambrosini – V. Jolivet (eds.), Les potiers d’Etrurie et leur monde. Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. del Chiaro (Paris 2014) 381–396.

S. MEDAGLIA – C. MARTINO, Prospezioni subacquee nella baia di Bagni Sant’Agostino (Tarquinia), in: D. Leone – R. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di archeologia subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 133–142.

J. P. MOREL, Les campaniennes A et B, deux aspects d’une “globalisation” économique et culturelle des céramiques tardo-hellénistique, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, peoples and places. Study and interpretation of late hellenistic pottery (Aarhus 2014) 323–335.

J. T. PEÑA – S.C. GALLIMORE, Black-Gloss ware, North Etrurian Red-Slip Ware and Italian Terra Sigillata from Cetamura del Chianti. Composition, provenance, supply, and consumption, HEROM. Journal on hellenistic and Roman material culture 3, 2014, 71–224.

L. C. PIERACCINI – M. A. DEL CHIARO, Greek in subject matter, Etruscan by design. Alcestis and Admetus on an Etruscan red-figure krater, in: S. Schierup – V. Sabetai (eds.), The regional production of red-figure pottery. Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria (Aarhus 2014) 303–310.

J. SWADDLING, Rhyton a forma di leone in combattimento, in: P. Bruschetti et al. (eds.), Seduzione etrusca. Dai segreti di Holkham Hall alle meraviglie del British Museum (London 2014) 443–444.

J. SWADDLING – A. DAWSON, Brocca a vaso basato su testa etrusca, in: P. Bruschetti et al. (eds.), Seduzione etrusca. Dai segreti di Holkham Hall alle meraviglie del British Museum (London 2014) 455–456.

UMBRIA (L. Cenciaioli)

Edited Collections of Papers

L. CENCIAIOLI (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014).


M. ALBANESI, Catalogo dei reperti, in: M. L. Manca – M.R. Picuti – M. Albanesi (eds.), Il santuario umbro-romano a Cancelli di Foligno. Archeologia a scuola (Perugia 2014) 52–55 nn. 11–26.

L. CENCIAIOLI, Perugia, piazza Danti, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 82 n. 1.

L. CENCIAIOLI, Perugia, piazza Cavallotti 1983-84, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 88–103, nn. 1–54.

L.CENCIAIOLI, Alle porte della città: San Pietro e il territorio perugino in: G. Giubbini (ed.), Centoventi anni di storia della fondazione agraria in Perugina. Atti degli incontri di studio 2012-2013 (Perugia 2014) 86–87.

L.CENCIAIOLI, Perugia, via Solatia, in: L.Cenciaioli – M.Scarpignato (ed.), Etruschi di Perugia, Catalogo della mostra Bratislava (Bratislava 2014) 179 cat. 57.

M. R. PICUTI, Catalogo dei reperti, in: M. L. Manca – M.R. Picuti – M. Albanesi (eds.), Il santuario umbro-romano a cancelli di Foligno. Archeologia a scuola (Perugia 2014) 50–51 nn. 1. 4. 5.

S. SISANI, Anfore, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 283–285.

S. SISANI, Ceramica a vernice nera, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 167–173.

S. SISANI, Ceramica a vernice rossa, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 167–173.

B.VENANTI, Perugia, piazza Cavallotti 1981, in: L. Cenciaioli (ed.), Perugia. La città antica sotto la Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo. I risultati degli scavi (Torre del Greco 2014) 113 n. 22.


P. BOTTINI, Produzioni e commercio marittimo sulla costa lucana occidentale attraverso le evidenze sottomarine, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (ed.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea, Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 31–40.

S. GIULIANO, La ceramica dal quartiere artigianale di Cellarulo a Benevento, in: Per la conoscenza dei Beni Culturali V. Ricerche del Dottorato in Metodologie Conoscitive per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali 2011-2014 (Santa Maria Capua Vetere 2014) 85–106.

A. SERRITELLA, Poseidonia-Paestum. La ceramica a vernice near dall’ ekklesiasterion , in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 163–174.


Congress Proceedings

A. GRAVINA (ed.), Atti del 34°Convegno Nazionale sulla Preistoria – Protostoria – Storia della Daunia San Severo 16–17 novembre 2013 (San Severo 2014).

D. LEONE – M. TURCHIANO – G. VOLPE (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014).

A. M. SMALL (ed.), Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy. Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh 26–28 October 2012 (Bari 2014).

Edited Collections of Papers

M. CASTOLDI (ed.), Un Abitato Peuceta. Scavi a Jazzo Fornasiello (Gravina in Puglia – Bari). Prime indagini (Bari 2014).

E. LANZA CATTI – K. SWIFT – J. COLEMAN CARTER, The Chora of Metaponto 5 A Greek Farmhouse at Ponte Fabrizio (Texas 2014).

R. SPADEA (ed.), Kroton. Studi e ricerche sulla polis achea e il suo territorio, Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia V, serie IV (Roma 2014).


A. ANTONAZZO, Torre S. Sabina. I materiali da recupero subacqueo (1972–1983): distribuzione spaziale ed ipotesi interpretative, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 181– 198.

A. ANTONAZZO – A. ZACCARIA, Torre S. Sabina. Campagna di scavo 2007. Area B: nota preliminare sui materiali, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 199–206.

R. AURIEMMA, Torre S. Sabina (Carovigno, BR). L’approdo ritrovato, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014)151–180.

P. BOTTINI, Produzioni e commercio marittimo sulla costa lucana occidentale attraverso le evidenze sottomarine, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea, Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 31–40.

A. COLUCCI, Relitti salentini di laterizi, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 391–400.

G. S. CRUPI – M. D. PASQUINO, La necropoli meridionale di Herakleia. Note preliminari della campagna di scavo 2009, SIRIS 14, 2014, 101–118.
A. DELL’ANNA – E. FLORIDO – V. IANNUZZI, Un carico di mortaria nelle acque di Gallipoli, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 401–406.

A. DE STEFANO, The presence and circulation of lamps at Vagnari and in the valley of the Basentello, in: A. M. Small (ed.), Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy. Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh 26–28 October 2012 (Bari 2014) 143–148.

G. DISANTAROSA, Contextualizing the context: amphorae from the site of Vagnari and from the Basentello valley, in: A. M. Small (ed.), Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy. Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh 26–28 October 2012 (Bari 2014) 149–168.

C. S. FIORIELLO, Lucerne a becco rotondo da Gnatia nel contesto della Puglia centro-settentrionale: dati archeologici e prospettive di indagini archeometriche, ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 367–381.

C. S. FIORIELLO, ‘Municipium Apuliae, cui nomem Barium est’: profilo storico e paesaggio urbano. Per una rilettura della documentazione archeologica, in Papers of the British School at Rome, Volume 82, October 2014, 135–174H. FRACCHIA, Rural agglomerations in the Upper Bradano Valley, in: A. M. Small (ed.), Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy. Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh 26–28 October 2012 (Bari 2014) 193–202.

L. GIARDINO – T. O. CALVARUSO, Sistema di classificazione delle forme ceramiche prodotte a Herakleia lucana nel III secolo a.C.: nuove applicazioni, SIRIS 14, 2014, 119–136.

R. GOFFREDO, Città, insediamenti rurali e paesaggi agrari della Daunia tra le guerre sannitiche e l’età post-annibalica, BABesch 89, 2014, 47–73.

K. G. HEMPEL, Hellenistische Keramik in Apulien, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 189.

M. LANZA, Topografia e sviluppo della necropoli meridionale di Herakleia, SIRIS 14,2014, 89–100.

M. MCCALLUM – H. VAN DER LEEST – A. HYATT, San Felice and the Basentello Valley Archaeological Research Project, July–August 2013 (Comune di Gravina in Puglia, Provincia di Bari, Regione Puglia), BSR 82, 2014, 338–343.

F. MEO, L’industria tessile a Herakleia di Lucania e nel territorio tra III e I secolo a.C., SIRIS 14, 2014, 137–152.

F. MOLLO, Il medio Tirreno cosentino ed il Museo dei Brettii e del Mare di Cetraro: storie di produzione e circolazione di ceramiche fra età ellenistica ed epoca post-antica, MAM. Provincia di Cosenza (Cosenza 2014) 39–49.

M. NUOVO, Il paesaggio costiero da Bari a Monopoli: contribute per la carta archeological subacquea, in: D. Leone – M. Turchiano – G. Volpe (eds.), Atti del III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea Manfredonia 4–6 ottobre 2007 (Bari 2014) 383–389.

B. PERUZZI, The (d)evolution of grave good assemblages in Peucetia in the 3rd century BCE, in: A. M. Small (ed.), Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy. Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology University of Edinburgh 26–28 October 2012 (Bari 2014) 35–42.


M. LEONE, Nella terra dei Peuceti, l’abitato di Jazzo Fornasiello (Gravina in Puglia – Bari), “LANX” 17 (2014), 60–64 [http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/lanx/article/view/4272/4381]

SICILY (A. Granata)


E. DE MIRO, Heraclea Minoa. Mezzo secolo di ricerche, Sicilia Antiqua IX, 2012 (Pisa/Roma 2014).

M. FASOLO, Tyndaris e il suo territorio II: carta archeologica del territorio (Roma 2014).

Edited Collection of Papers

D. MALFITANA – G. CACCIAGUERRA (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014).

T. A. TONINI – S. STRUFOLINO (eds.), Dinamiche culturali ed etniche nella Sicilia Orientale dall’età classica all’epoca ellenistica, Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Quaderni 4 (Trento 2014).

Museum Catalogues

G. BIONDI – G. BUSCEMI FELICI – E. TORTORICI (eds.), Il Museo di Archeologia dell’Università di Catania. Collezione Libertini (Roma 2014).


P. AMATO – A. BRANCA, Gli scarti di fornace e gli strumenti per la produzione ceramica, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 53–62.

G. BARONE – P. MAZZOLENI – A. AQUILIA – G. BARBERA, The Hellenistic and Roman Syracuse (Sicily) Fine Pottery Production Explored by Chemical and Petrographic Analysis. Archaeometry 56 (Oxford 2014) 70–87.

A. CANNATA, La ceramica a pareti sottili e altre produzioni fini, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 85–89.

A. CANNATA, La ceramica a pareti sottili, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 119–124.

L. CARILLI, La ceramica fine a vernice nera: le “pinecone mouldmade bowls”, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 73–77.

C. CIURCINA, Culti a Siracusa in età ellenistica: il contributo da un’area sacra prossima al complesso monumentale della Neapolis, in: T. A. Tonini – S. Strufolino (eds.), Dinamiche culturali ed etniche nella Sicilia Orientale dall’età classica all’epoca ellenistica, Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Quaderni 4 (Trento 2014) 35–53.

E. CONSOLI – F. MARIA, Ultimi dati archeologici da Acitrezza, Tradizione, tecnologia e territorio II, Topografia Antica 3 (Acireale/Roma 2014) 173–181.
V. GULLOTTA, Le ceramiche a vernice nera con impasto grigio tipo “Campana C”, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 71–72.

D. MALFITANA, La “Campana C” in Sicilia: un problema archeologico-archeometrico aperto, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 333–340.

D. MALFITANA et al., Cultura materiale e produzioni artigianali a Siracusa in età ellenistica e romana. Indagini multidisciplinari sul quartiere artigianale della città antica. Un capitolo del «Roman Sicily Project: ceramics and trade», ReiCretActa43, 2014, 557–572.

F. MARIA, Contributi preliminari per la carta archeologica del territorio di Sferro, Tradizione, tecnologia e territorio II, Topografia Antica 3, (Acireale/Roma 2014) 143–172.

P. PELAGATTI, Divagazioni siracusano-alessandrine. Anforette iscritte e ceramiche cultuali ellenistiche da Siracusa, in: T. A. Tonini – S. Strufolino (eds.), Dinamiche culturali ed etniche nella Sicilia Orientale dall’età classica all’epoca ellenistica, Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Quaderni 4 (Trento 2014) 55–68.

C. PANTELLARO, Le ceramiche fini da mensa a vernice nera e rossa. Introduzione, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 69–70.

C. PANTELLARO, Le produzioni a vernice nera e rossa: anfore e brocchette, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 79–84.

V. REINA – C. RIZZA, La ceramica tipo “San Giuliano”, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 63–68.

C. RIZZA, La ceramica comune tipo “San Giuliano”, in: D. Malfitana – G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e Ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie (Catania 2014) 111–112.

R. SALIBRA, Camarina. La necropoli di Passo Marinaro tra IV e III secolo a.C. Ceramica figurata siceliota dalla campagna di scavo 1972-1973, in: T. A. Tonini – S. Strufolino (eds.), Dinamiche culturali ed etniche nella Sicilia Orientale dall’età classica all’epoca ellenistica, Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Quaderni 4, (Trento 2014) 157–185.

Online publications

C. DE VITO et al., Technological fingerprints of Black-Gloss Ware from Motya (Western Sicily, Italy), Applied Clay Science 88-89, 2014, 202–213 [http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/S0169131713004432] (31.08.2015).

A. WALTHALL et al., Preliminary Report on the 2013 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP), The Journal of Fasti Online, http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2014-322.pdf (31.08.2015).

SARDINIA (E. Piccardi)


M. MINOJA et al., La Casa dell’Atrio Tetrastilo. Sondaggi archeologici negli ambienti D, I, L, Quaderni Norensi 5, 2014, 121–137.

E. PANERO – G. BOLZONI, Le campagne di scavo 2011–2013. Considerazioni su alcuni contesti ceramici dagli scavi dell’area E, Quaderni Norensi 5, 2014, 105–117.

Online Publications

P. BERNARDINI – P. G. SPANU – R. ZUCCA, Santa Giusta – Othoca. Ricerche di archeologia urbana 2013, The Journal of Fasti Online, www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2014-313.pdf (31.08.2015).

F. COSTA, Considerazioni preliminari sulla ceramica etrusca e greca da S’Urachi (San Vero Milis, OR), Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Cagliari e Oristano 24, 2014, 193–222 [http://www.quaderniarcheocaor.beniculturali.it/index.php/quaderni/article/view/ 214/117] (31.08.2015).

D. SALVI, R. CARBONI, E. CRUCCAS, I reperti archeologici della raccolta n. 559, Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Cagliari e Oristano 24, 2014, 243–271 [http://www.quaderniarcheocaor.beniculturali.it/index.php/quaderni/article/view/216/119] (31.08.2015).




R. STROOTMAN, Courts and Elites in the Hellenistic Empires The Near East After the Achaemenids, c. 330 to 30 BCE, Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia (Edinburgh 2014).


D. REGEV, The Phoenician Origins of Eastern Sigillata A, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 351–363.

ISRAEL (R. Rosenthal-Heginbottom)

A. BERLIN – S. HERBERT – P. STONE, Dining In State: The Table Wares from the Persian-Hellenistic Administrative Building at Kedesh, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery (Aarhus 2014) 307–321.

H. GEVA – M. HERSHKOVITZ, Local Pottery of the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods from Areas J and N, in: G. Hillel, Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969–1982, 6: Areas J, N, Z and Other Studies. Final Report (Jerusalem 2014) 134–175.

R. ROSENTHAL-HEGINBOTTOM, Imported Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery – an Overview of the Finds from the Jewish Quarter Excavations, in: H. Geva, Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969–1982, 6: Areas J, N, Z and Other Studies. Final Report (Jerusalem 2014) 377–413.

LEBANON (Zoi Kotitsa)

D. FRANGIÉ-JOLY, Economy and cultural transfers: evidence of Hellenization and early Romanization in Beirut, in: B. Fischer-Genz – Y. Gerber – H. Hamel, Roman Pottery in the Near East. Local Production and Regional Trade, Proceedings of the round table held in Berlin, 19–20 February 2010, Roman and Lat Antique Mediterranean Pottery 3 (Oxford 2014) 89–101.

MALTA (Z. Kotitsa)

F. MOSCA – P. PUPPO, Dinamiche commerciali nel Mediterraneo Occidentale.La ceramica megarese a Malta, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 175–180.

ROMANIA (V. Lungu)

V. LUNGU, Le cas du carthaginois d’Istros et la Campanienne A en Mer Noir: Point de vue de céramologue face aux sources épigraphiques, ARA Reports 5, 2014, 21–36.

RUSSIA AND UKRAINE (T. Egorova – I. I. Škribljak)

Edited Collection of Papers

S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014).


O. E. BURAVČUK, Эллинистическая расписная керамика/ Hellenistic painted pottery, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 357–379.

P. D. DIATROPOV, Амфорные клейма/ Amphora stamps, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 160–196.

T. V. EGOROVA, Предварительный анализ комплекса чернолаковой керамики VI – II вв. до н.э. из раскопок Пантикапея 1945 – 1992 гг. / Preliminary analysis of the Black-Glazed pottery complex of 6th – 2nd Centuries BC from the excavations of Panticapeum in 1945 – 1992, in: A.A. Maslennikov (ed.), Древности Боспора / Antiquities of Bosporus 18, 2014, 174–195.

O.V. FATEEV, Хронология амфорных клейм Херсонеса конца IV — начала III вв. до н. э. (исследование комплексов и комплексные исследования) / Chronology of Chersonesos Amphora Stamps of late 4th – early 3rd cc. B. C. (studies of complexes and complex studies), Stratum plus 3, 2014, 223–244.

V. KRAPIVINA, Late Hellenistic Red-Slip Ware in Olbia, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies, 16, 2014, 287–294.

V. KUZNETSOVA, Торговые связи Фанагории в IV—III вв. до н. э. по разным категориям амфорного материала: проблема соотношения / Phanagoria’s Commercial Relations in the 4th–3rd Centuries BC by Different Categories of Amphora Material: Problem of Correlation, Stratum plus 3, 2014, 187–194.

N. A. LEJPUNSKAJA – T.A. SAMOJLOVA, Транспортные амфоры/ Transport amphoras, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 144–159.

N. A. LEJPUNSKAJA – V. V. KRAPIVINA – O. E. BURAVČUK, Сероглиняная керамика/ Grey pottery, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 410–435.

G. LOMTADZE – D. ŽURAVLEV, Hellenistic Pottery from the Necropolis of Olbia Pontike, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 175–198.

S. JU. MONACHOV, Косские и псевдокосские амфоры и клейма / Koan and Pseudo-Koan Amphorae and Stamps, Stratum plus 3, 2014, 195–222.

V. I. NAZARCHUK, Чернолаковая керамика/ Black-glazed pottery, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 312–357.

T. N. SAMOJLOVA, Штампованная рельефная керамика/ Relief mouldmade pottery in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 380–394.

T. N. SAMOJLOVA, Буролаковая керамика/ Brown-glazed pottery, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 395–409.

I. N. SHEJKO, Миниатюрные светильники из Ольвии, Борисфена и поселений хоры/ Miniature lamps from Olbia, Borisphenus and chora settlements, Боспорские исследования/ Bosporan studies 30, 2014, 392–410.

I. N. SHEJKO, До питання про технологію виробництва та використання глиняних світильників/ On the issue of the technology and use of clay lamps, Археологія / Archaeology 2014, 29–36

I. N. SHEJKO – M. A. CHOMČIK, Античні світильники із Ольвії в зібранні Національного музею історії України/ Ancient lamps from Olbia in collections of National historical museum of Ukraine, Археологія / Archaeology 2014, 73–79.

I. N. SHEJKO, Светильники / Lamps, in: S. D. Kryžickij – N. A. Lejpunskaja (ed.), Жилые дома Центрального квартала Ольвии / Dwelling houses of the Central district of Olbia, МАИЭТ Suppl. 13 (Simferopol-Kerch 2014) 486–504.

I. N. SHEJKO, Пергамские и эфесские светильники из Ольвии (импорт и местные имитации) / Pergamum- and Ephesus-type lamps from Olbia (import and local replicas), Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры / Problemy istorii, filologii, kultury 2, 2014, 108–123.

I. I. VDOVICHENKO – G. M. NIKOLAENKO, Ancient Painted Pottery from the Nearer Chora of Chersonesus Taurian, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 701–702.

S. Yu. VNUKOV, Амфорное производство на территории Абхазии в эпоху эллинизма и римское время/ Amphora production on the territory of Abkhazia in Hellenistic and Roman time // Российская археология/ Russian archaeology 4, 2014, 5–15.

D. V. ŽURAVLEV, Hellenistic Pergamene tableware in the northern Black Sea region, in: H. Meyza (ed.), Late Hellenistic to Medieval fine wares of the Aegean coast of Anatolia. Their imitation and use (Warsaw 2014) 129–151.

D. ŽURAVLEV – N. ŽURAVLEVA, Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Panticapaion: Recent Finds, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 255–286.

SPAIN (A. Ribera)


I. GARCES – T. REYES (coord.), Aeso, d’oppidum ibéric a municipium romà. Isona, Pallars Jussà, Societat Catalana d’Arqueologia (Barcelona 2014).

V. MARTINEZ, Anforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I d.C.), Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 4, Archeopress Archaeology (Oxford 2014).

A. SEVILLA, Funus Hispaniense: espacios, usos y costumbres funerarias en la Hispania Romana, BAR S 2610 (Oxford 2014).

Edited Collection of Papers

R. MORAIS – A. FERNÁNDEZ – M. J. SOUSA (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014).

F. SALA – J. MORATALLA (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014).


A. M. ADROHER, Cerámica Gris Bruñida Republicana (GBR): el problema de las imitaciones en ceramología arqueológica, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 281–290.

P. AGUAYO – C. SANNA, Considerazioni sul rinvenimento di ceramica d’importazione pre-romana negli insediamenti dell’hinterland del Circolo dello Stretto, in: ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 623–630.

C. ALVES, Campanian ware from Mesas do Castelinho (Portugal), in: ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 631–638.

C. ALVES – R. MATALOTO – V. SORIA, As produçoes de imitaçao da campaniense italica em pasta cinzenta no Sul do territorio actualmente portuguais, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 165–176.

S. AZCÁRRAGA CÁMARA et al., Estudio de la cerámica itálica de barniz negro en El Llano de la Horca (Santorcaz, Madrid): primeros resultados, in: E. Baquedano (ed.), 1er Simposio sobre los Carpetanos Alcalá de Henares 2014, Arqueología e historia de un pueblo de la edad del hierro, Zona Arqueológica 17, 2014, 281–292.

V. BARBA – A. FERNÁNDEZ – M. J. TORRES, La cerámica Gris Bruñida Republicana, imitaciones y nuevas formas documentadas en la Alta Andalucía en el almacén comercial del Cerro de la Atalaya de Lahiguera (Jaén), in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 19–34.

F. J. GARCÍA – A. SÁEZ, Influencias de tradición helenística y centromediterránea en las producciones comunes del área turdetana, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa. As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 109–124.

F. J. HERAS, El campamento de Caceres el Viejo y las guerras civiles en Hispania, in: F. Sala – J. Moratalla (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014) 155–168.

A. LORRIO – D. SANCHEZ DE PRADO, El Molón (Camporrobles, Valencia) en los siglos II–I a.C., in: F. Sala – J. Moratalla (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014) 249–269.

C. MATA – D. QUIXAL, El territorio de Kelin: un espacio secundario de producción y circulación de imitaciones en el interior valenciano (ss. VII a.C. a I d.C.), in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 51–60.

J. A. MÍNGUEZ – A. MAYAYO, Evidencias de la fabricación de lucernas en la ciudad romanorrepublicana de La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza), in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 151–164.

V. MORENO – A. M. NIVEAU DE VILLEDARY – F. J. GARCÍA, Nuevas evidencias sobre imitaciones de cerámica de tipo Kuass en el valle del Guadalquivir, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 125–138.

V. MORENO et al., Caracterización mineralógica y físico-química de las imitaciones de vajilla de tipo Kuass en el valle del Guadalquivir, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 11–18.

G. MUCCIOLI, I kalathoi iberici nell’estremo occidente, ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 721–728.

J. F. PALENCIA – D. RODRIGUEZ, La cerámica de barniz negro itálica en el territorium de la antigua ciudad romana de Consabura (Consuegra, Toledo), Lucentum 33, 2014, 113–122.

F. QUESADA – F. MUÑIZ – I. LOPEZ, La guerre et ses traces: destruction et massacre dans le village ibérique du Cerro de la Cruz (Cordoue) et leur contexte historique au II s. a.C.”, in: F. Cadiou – M. Navarro (eds.), La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et sociétés en Hispanie à l’époque de la conquête romaine (IIIe–Ier s. a.C.) (Bordeaux 2014) 231–272.

M. J. RAMOS – E. GARCÍA, Imitaciones de cerámicas de barniz negro en Hispalis: los materiales del Patio de Banderas del Real Alcázar de Sevilla, in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania, Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 139–150.

A. RIBERA, La fundación de Valentia: historia, arqueología, ritos, basureros y cabañas, Cira-Arqueologia III, Atas – Congresso Conquista e Romanizaçao do Vale do Tejo (Vila Franca de Xira 2014) 61–85.

A. RIBERA, La destrucción de Valentia (75 a.C.) y la cultura material de la época de Sertorio (82–75 a.C.), in: F. Sala – J. Moratalla (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014) 65–77.

P. RUIZ – M. V. PEINADO, Las imitaciones de barnices negros republicanos en cerámica de pasta gris en Los Villares de Andújar (Jaén), in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania, Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 45–50.

F. SALA et al., Las huellas de las guerras sertorianas en el Sureste de Hispania: elementos para la revisión histórica, in: F. Cadiou – M. Navarro (eds.), La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et sociétés en Hispanie à l’époque de la conquête romaine (IIIe–Ier s. a.C.) (Bordeaux 2014) 181–202.

C. SANZ – J. M. CARRASCAL – E. RODRÍGUEZ, Saleros-especieros zoomorfos, de barro y cerámica, en técnica excisa, del territorio vacceo (ss. IV–I a.C.), in: Rui Morais – A. Fernández – M. J. Sousa (eds.), As produçoes ceramicas de imitaçao na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Oporto 2014) 199–212.

C. STANNARD – A. G. SINNER, A Central Italian coin with Dionysus/panther types, and contacts between Central Italy and Spain, in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, Saguntum-PLAV 46 (Valencia 2014) 147–158.

M. TENDERO – A. RONDA, Ilici en las guerras civiles romanas, in: F. Sala – J. Moratalla (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014) 217–228.

H. UROZ – J. UROZ, La Libisosa iberorromana: un contexto cerrado de -y por- las guerras sertorianas, in: F. Sala – J. Moratalla (eds.), Las guerras civiles romanas en Hispania. Una revisión histórica desde la Contestania (Alicante 2014) 199–216.

TURKEY (Z. Kotitsa – A. Laftsidis – L. Picht – R. Şahin)

E. M. DOKSANALTI, Three Hellenistic Tombs and Ceramic Finds from Knidos, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 323–336.

N. FENN, The Hellenistic Mouldmade Bowl Production at Priene – A Case Study Concerning the Reception of Ephesian Examples, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 141–156.

N. FENN, Priene in the 1st Century BC. Pottery Production and Imports at the Transition from Late Hellenistic to Early Roman Imperial Time, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 321–322.

L. HEINZE, Attic Imports and their Influence on the Production of Local Fine-ware in Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Priene, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 313–318.

P. KÖGLER, Table Ware from Knidos: The Local Production during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M. L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 157–173.

P. KÖGLER, Knidos, Mithridates and the Romans. Reflections on the Historical Interpretability of Fine Ware Finds in the Late Hellenism, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 337–340.

S. LADSTÄTTER – A. WALDNER, Archäologische Befunde und Fund. Keramik, in: H. Thür – E. Rathmayr (Hrsg.), Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde, FiE 8,9 (Wien 2014) 435–588.

E. LAFLI – G. KAN ŞAHIN, A Preliminary Report on the Iron Age and Hellenistic Ceramics from Southwestern Paphlagonia, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 705–716.

C. MONDIN, Hellenistic and Roman Fine Wares from the Byzantine Contexts in Tyana/Kemerhisar (South Cappadocia), ReiCretActa 43 (Bonn 2014) 35–42.

W. OENBRINK, Keramik aus Athen für Teššup/Iuppiter Dolichenus? Zu Neufunden attischer Keramik aus der Südosttürkei, in: E. Winter (Hrsg.), Kult und Herrschaft am Euphrat, AMS 73 (Bonn 2014) 65–96.

J. POBLOME – H. ULENERS, Sagalassos’ta beklenmedik bir keşif. Yeni bir keramik atölyesi. A new and unexpected potters’ workshop at Sagalassos, AnadoluAkden 12, 2014, 87–93.

C. ROGL, Mouldmade Relief Bowls from Ephesos – The Current State of Research, in: P. Guldager Bilde – M.L. Lawall (eds.), Pottery, Peoples and Places. Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies 16 (Aarhus 2014) 113–139.

S. SAĞLAN, A Group of Hellenistic Pit Finds from Kelenderis, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 687–698.

R. ŞAHIN, Karataş Burnu Yüzey Araştırması’nda Bulunan Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Keramikleri (Hellenistic and Roman Pottery from the Karataş (Adana) Survey), TÜBA-AR 17, 2014, 143–161.

M. TEKOCAK, Evaluation of the Findings from a Tomb in the West Necropolis of Kelenderis, in: 8th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery Ioannina 5–9 May 2009 (Athens 2014) 343–349.