(edited by A. Laftsidis) (last updated July 18th, 2017)
PH. BES, Once upon a Time in the East. The Chronological and Geographical Distribution of Terra Sigillata and Red Slip Ware in the Roman East, Roman and Late
Antique Mediterranean Pottery 6 (Oxford 2015).
M. SPATARO – A. VILLING (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: the archaeology and science of kitchen pottery in the ancient Mediterranean world (Oxford 2015).
N. DIMAKIS, Lamps, symbolism and ritual in Hellenistic Greece, in: Z. Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis – D. Evely (eds.), AEGIS. Essays in Mediterranean
archaeology presented to Matti Egon by the scholars of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK (Oxford 2015) 165-172.
J. MCKENZIE-CLARK, Distinguishing Between Rouletting and Chattering on Ancient Mediterranean Pottery, AJA 119, 2015, 137-143.
C. E. Maxwell-Jones, Typology and Chronology of Ceramics of Bactra, Afghanistan 600 BCE-500 CE (diss. Michigan 2015).
J. M. GURT ESPARRAGUERA – E. ARIÑO GIL – V. MARTINEZ FERRERAS – SH. R. PIDAEV, The Buddhist occupation of Tchingiz Tepe (Termez, Uzbekistan) in
the Kushan period through the ceramic contexts, Archaeological Research in Asia 3, 2015, 19-33.
CROATIA (A. Laftsidis)
M. MISE, Gnathia and related Hellenistic Ware on the east Adriatic Coast (Oxford 2015).
CYPRUS (Z. Kotitsa – K. Nocoń)
J. LUND, A Study of the Circulation of Ceramics in Cyprus from the 3rd Century BC to the 3rd Century AD, Gösta Enbom Monographs 5 (Aarhus 2015).
V. RENSON – K. W. SLANE – M. L. RAUTMAN – B. KIDD – J. GUTHRI – M. D. GLASCOCK, Pottery Provenance in the Eastern Mediterranean Using Lead Isotopes.
Archaeometry (Early View – Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue) (Oxford 2015).
K. WINTHER-JACOBSEN, Ceramics in Funerary Traditions in Hellenistic Cyprus: The Custom of Duplication?, in: J. Fejfer – M. Moltesen – A. Rathje (eds.), Tradition.
Transmission of Culture in the Ancient World, Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology ACTA HYPERBOREA 14 (Copenhagen 2015) 481-493.
K. WINTHER-JACOBSEN, Cooking wares between the Hellenistic and Roman world: artifact variability, technological choice and practice, in: M. Spataro – A. Villing (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture (Oxford 2015) 91-101.
EGYPT (C. Römer-Strehl)
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Stamps, Vol. 1, Eponyms A, Études Alexandrines 33, Centre d’Études Alexandrines (Alexandria 2015).
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Stamps, Vol. 2, Eponyms B to K, Études Alexandrines 35, Centre d’Études Alexandrines (Alexandria 2015).
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, ASTOS: a wine amphora producer in the Rhodian Perea, in: A. Diler – K. Senol – Ü. Aydinoglou (eds.), Olive Oil and Wine Production in Eastern
Mediterranean during Antiquity (Urla-Izmir-Turkey, 17-19 November 2011) (Izmir 2015) 233-241.
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Early Cnidian Amphora Exports to Alexandria, Egypt, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 169-192.
CORSICA (E. Piccardi)
L. AMBROSINI, Nuovi dati sul tema dell’adligatus in Etruria e il cratere del Funnel Group dalla Tomba 33 di Aléria, in: O. Paoletti (ed.), La Corsica e Populonia. Atti del XXVIII Convegno di studi etruschi ed italici. Bastia, Aléria, Piombino, Populonia, 25-29
ottobre 2011 (Rome 2015) 177-204.
F. CIBECCHINI, Les épaves antiques à grande profondeur en Corse, in : La Corse et le monde méditerranéen des origines au Moyen-Âge: échanges et circuits commerciaux. Actes du colloque (2013), BSSHNC N° 746-749 (2014) (Bastia 2015) 7-23.
F. CIBECCHINI, La Corse dans les routes maritimes, Dossiers d’Archéologie 370, July/August 2015, 76-79.
MACEDONIA (Z. Kotitsa)
E. GEROFOKA, Η αγροικία στη θέση Τρία Πλατάνια του νομού Πιερίας. Συμβολή στη μελέτη της αρχαίας αγροικίας (Thessaloniki 2015).
S. PINGIATOGLOU, hίον. Το Ιερό της hήμητρος (Thessaloniki 2015).
L. ACHEILARA, ΜΕΤΡΟ Θεσσαλονίκης 2011. Το αρχαιολογικό έργο της ΙΣΤ΄ ΕΠΚΑ, AErgoMak 25, 309-316.
N. AKAMATIS, Μια οικία των πρώιμων Ελληνιστικών χρόνων από την Πέλλα. Η σωστική ανασκαφή στο οικόπεδο Γκόγκαλη, Μakedonika 40, 2013-2014, 1-35.
M. BESSIOS – A. ATHANASIADOU, Νεκροταφεία χώρας Πύδνας, AErgoMak 25, 181-188.
S. DROUGOU – K. PAPAZOGLOU, Οι πήλινοι λύχνοι, in: S. Drougou (ed.), Καστρί Γρεβενών. Η ακρόπολη μιας αρχαίας πόλης στην Πίνδο. Η γέννηση της ανασκαφής (Thessaloniki 2015) 138-151.
Κ. PERISTERI – St. GAROUFA, Σωστική ανασκαφή οικοπέδου Χ. Κοχλιαρίδη στην Αμφίπολη Σερρών, AErgoMak 25, 2011, 457-464.
Κ. PERISTERI – I. PAPADOPOULOU – St. GAROUFA, ΚΗ΄ ΕΠΚΑ. Ανασκαφή ελληνιστικής και ρωμαϊκής νεκρόπολης αρχαίας Αμφίπολης στο πλαίσιο του οδικού άξονα Αμφίπολης-Σερρών, AErgoMak 25, 2011, 465-473.
THESSALY (A. Laftsidis)
S. KARAPANOU, The Hellenistic Country House at the Tserli Site, Kalamaki, East Thessaly (Larisa 2015).
ATTICA (G. Ackermann – Z. Kotitsa)
M. L. LAWALL, The Transport Amphoras at Koroni: Contribution to the Historical Narrative and Economic History of the Early Hellenistic Aegean, in: K. F. Daly – L. A. Riccardi (eds.), Cities Called Athens. Studies Honoring John McK. Camp II presented by his Students (Lewisburg 2015) 197-229.
S. I. ROTROFF, The Athenian kitchen from the Early Iron Age to the Hellenistic period, in: M. Spataro – A. Villing (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture (Oxford 2015) 180-189.
S. BARFOED, The significant few: miniature pottery from the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia, WA preview, 2015, 1-19.
AEGEAN (Z. Kotitsa)
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, vol. 1, Eponyms A, Études Alexandrines 33 (Alexandria 2015).
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, vol. 2, Eponyms B to K, Études Alexandrines 35 (Alexandria 2015).
CRETE (A. Laftsidis)
S. GALLIMORE, An island economy: Hellenistic and Roman pottery from Hierapytna, Crete (New York, 2015).
A. AVRAMIDOU, Μια πρώτη ματιά στην ελληνιστική κεραμική από το Τετράκογχο στην Ακρόπολη της Ελεύθερνας (Πυργί), in: P. Karanastasi – A. Tzigkounaki – Chr. Tsigonaki (eds.), Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Κρήτης 3. Πρακτικά της 3ης Συνάντησης. Ρέθυμνο,
5-8 december 2013, Chania – Rethymno – Lasithi (Rethymno 2015) 407-415.
ITALY (coord. L. Ambrosini)
AA.VV., Milano Archeologia. I luoghi di Milano antica (Milano 2015).
L. MALNATI – F. ROSSI (eds.), Brixia, Roma e le genti del Po. Un incontro di culture III – I sec. a.C. (Florence 2015).
Edited Volumes
B. GRASSI – C. MANGANI (eds.), Guida alla Palafitta di Bodio Centrale o delle Monete (Cremona 2015).
P. PERSANO, Una lekanis apula con contrassegno dipinto dalla Collezione Carli, in: M. Conventi – A. Del Lucchese – A. Gardini (eds.), Archeologia in Liguria 2012-2013, V, (Genova 2015) 296-298.
C. NERVI, Genova al centro dei commerci massalioti lungo le rotte dell’alto Tirreno, in: Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale: Hommage à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011 (Paris 2015), 61-68.
MARCHE (P. Puppo)
M. MISE, Gnathia and related Hellenistic Ware on the east Adriatic Coast (Oxford 2015).
Edited Volumes
L. BRACCESI – G. SASSATELLI (eds.), Hesperia: studi sulla grecità d’occidente, vol. 32 (Rome 2015).
N. FRAPICCINI – M. PASQUALINI, Riflessi del Tardo ellenismo in un corredo muliebre da Ancona, Picus 35, 2015, 53-72.
B. BELELLI MARCHESINI – M. C. BIELLA – L. M. MICHETTI, Il santuario di Montetosto sulla via di Caere-Pyrgi (Rome 2015).
S. GIUNTOLI, Le necropoli etrusche di Macchia della Riserva a Tuscania, 1. Pian delle Rusciare, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean, 1 (Rome 2015).
L. AMBROSINI, Nuovi dati sul tema dell’adligatus in Etruria e il cratere del Funnel Group dalla Tomba 33 di Aléria, in: O. Paoletti (ed.), La Corsica e Populonia. Atti del XXVIII Convegno di studi etruschi ed italici. Bastia, Aléria, Piombino, Populonia, 25-29 ottobre 2011 (Rome 2015) 177-204.
N. T. GRUMMOND DE – C. SOWDER – L. HOLLAND et al., Excavations in an Etruscan well at Cetamura del Chianti. A preliminary report, EtrSt 18, 2015, 3-27.
J. P. MOREL, Les céramiques à vernis noir entre Etrurie et Corse, in: O. Paoletti (ed.), La Corsica e Populonia. Atti del XXVIII Convegno di studi etruschi ed italici. Bastia, Aléria, Piombino, Populonia, 25-29 ottobre 2011 (Rome 2015) 157-176.
S. RICCHI, I reperti ceramic, in: A. Sebastiani – E. Chirico – M. Colombini – M. Cygielman (eds.), Diana Umbronensis a Scoglietto. Santuario, territorio e cultura materiale (200 a.C. – 550 d.C.) (Oxford 2015) 70-113.
C. L. SOWDER, Ritual and industry in the late Etruscan period. The well at Cetamura del Chianti, EtrSt 18, 2015, 151-177.
M. TREFNY, Greek and Etruscan pottery in the collection of the north Bohemian Museum in Liberec, Eirene 51, 2015, 239-268.
S. CHERUBINI – A. PIERGROSSI, I materiali ceramic, in: La scoperta di una struttura templare sul Quirinale presso l’ex Regio ufficio geologico. Atti della giornata di studi, 16 ottobre 2013, Palazzo Massimo (Roma) (Rome 2015) 93-123.
H. DI GIUSEPPE, Pasti per una divinità presso il trivio della Porta Mugonia a Roma, Oebalus 9, 2015, 243-283.
C. S. MARTUCCI, Cales. Il recupero della memoria dei vecchi scavi, Orizzonti 16, 2015, 59-64.
G. OLCESE, Produzione e circolazione mediterranea delle ceramiche della Campania nel III secolo a.C. Alcuni dati della ricerca archeologica, in: La Magna Grecia da Pirro ad Annibale, Atti del cinquantaduesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 27-30 settembre 2012 (Taranto 2015) 157-210.
Online Publications
H. E. M. COOL – D. G. GRIFFITHS, The miniature vessels of Insula VI.1 Pompeii. New evidence for neighborhood cults, FOLD&R Italy Series http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2015-325.pdf (2015)
M. TRAPICHLER – R. SAUER, The Black Glaze Ware of Velia, Facem (2015)
http://facem.at/img/pd/Black%20Glaze%20Ware_Trapichler_2015.17.6.pdf (06.06.2015).
A. C. MONTANARO, Ornamenti e lusso nell’antica Peucezia. Le aristocrazie tra VII e III secolo a.C. e i rapporti con Greci ed Etruschi (Rome 2015).
A. RICCARDI, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Italia, 79. Fasc. I. Museo Nazionale di Ruvo di Puglia. Ceramica proto-italiota, Lucana e Apula Antica (Rome 2015).
C. ROSCINO, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Italia, 80. Fasc. II. Museo Nazionale di Ruvo di Puglia. Ceramica Medio-Italiota (Rome 2015).
Congress Proceedings
L. E. BAUMER – E. P. BIRCHLER – M. CAMPAGNOLO (eds.), Le voyage à Crotone: découvrir la Calabre de l’Antiquité à nos jours. KROTON, 1. Actes du Colloque international organisé par l’Unité d’archéologie classique du Département des sciences de l’Antiquité, Université de Genève, 11 mai 2012. Collection: Etudes genevoises sur l’Antiquité 1 (Bern 2015).
La Magna Grecia da Pirro ad Annibale. Atti del Cinquantaduesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 27-30 settembre 2012 (Mottola 2015).
Y. MARION – F. TASSAUX (eds.), AdriAtlas et l’histoire de l’espace adriatique du vie s. a.C. au VIIIe s. p.C., Actes du colloque international de Rome (4-6 novembre 2013), Ausonius Scripta Antiqua 79 (Bordeaux 2015).
R. ROURE (ed.), Contacts et acculturations en Méditerran en Occidentale. Hommages à
Michel Bats. Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011. Études Massaliète 12 (Aix-en-Provence 2015).
G. MASTRONUZZI – V. MELISSANO (eds.), Museo Archeologico di Vaste. Catalogo (Maglie 2015).
R. AURIEMMA, New data on eastern imports from cargoes of Torre Santa Sabina (Brindisi, Italy), in: S. Demestica (ed.), Per terram, per mare. Seaborne Trade and the Distribution of Roman Amphorae in the Mediterranean (Uppsala 2015) 229-243.
R. AURIEMMA – V. DEGRACCI, Flussi di circolazione e redistribuzione in Adriatico tra tarda Repubblica e Impero: anfore da contesti terrestri e subacquei, in: Y. Marion – F. Tassaux (eds.), AndriAtlas et l’histoire de l’espace adriatique du Vie s. a.C. au VIIIe s. p. C. (Bordeaux 2015), 453-478.
V. GASSNER, Le anfore Greco-occidentali: riconsiderando la loro evoluzione e l’identificazione dei centri di produzioni, in: R. Roure (ed.), Contacts et acculturations en Méditerran en Occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011. Études Massaliète 12 (Aix-en-Provence 2015) 345-356.
L. GIARDINO – C. BIANCO – F. MEO, Muro Leccese (Puglia, Italia). Forme e funzioni delle ceramiche d’uso quotidiano in un centro messapico tra IV e III secolo a.C., in: R. Roure (ed.), Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée en Occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011. Études Massaliète 12 (Aix-en-Provence 2015) 357-365.
L. GIARDINO – T. O. CALVARUSO, Herakleia di Lucania (Basilicata, Italia). Forme e funzioni delle ceramiche d’uso quotidiano in una città italiota tra III e II secolo a.C., in: R. Roure (ed.), Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée en Occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011. Études Massaliète 12
(Aix-en-Provence 2015) 367-375.
E. LIPPOLIS, Continuità e discontinuità: il III secolo tra Egeo e Occidente attraverso produzione e commercio dei prodotti ceramici, in: La Magna Grecia da Pirro ad Annibale. Atti del Cinquantaduesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 27-30 settembre 2012 (Mottola 2015) 119-156.
M. L. MARCHI, Progetto Ager Lucerinus: da Luceria a Montecorvino. Indagini archeologiche tra i Monti Dauni e la Valle del Fortore, SIRIS 15, 2015. Studi e ricerche della scuola di specializzazione in beni archeologici di Matera, 177-195.
P. ÖSTBORN – H. GERDING, The Diffusion of Fired Bricks in Hellenistic Europe: A Similarity Network Analysis, in: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22, 2015, 306–344.
A. QUERCIA, Forms of adoption, adaptation and resistance in the cooking ware repertoire of Lucania, South Italy (8th–3rd centuries BC), in: M. Spataro – A. Villing (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: the archaeology and science of kitchen pottery in the ancient Mediterranean world (Oxford 2015) 203-212.
G. SEMERARO, L’area Messapica (II), in: La Magna Grecia da Pirro ad Annibale. Atti del Cinquantaduesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 27-30 settembre 2012 (Mottola 2015) 555-570.
R. SPADEA, Tra Crotone e Petelia, in: La Magna Grecia da Pirro ad Annibale. Atti del Cinquantaduesimo convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 27-30 settembre 2012 (Mottola 2015) 677-695.
Online Publications
G. DE VENUTO – R. GOFFREDO – D. M. TOTTEN – M. CIMINALE – C. DE MITRI – V. VALENZANO, Salapia. Storia e archeologia di una città tra mare e laguna, MEFRA 127.1, 2015.
F. MOLLO, Una fornace brettia nel territorio di Cetraro (CS) www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2015-346
SICILY (A. Granata)
M. SGUAITAMATTI – D. LEIBUNDGUT WIELAND, Le sanglier et le satyre. Vases plastiques hellénistiques de Grande Grèce et de Sicile, Vol. I (Zürich 2015).
M. SGUAITAMATTI – R. LEONE, Le satyre et le sanglier. Vases plastiques hellénistiques de Grande Grèce et de Sicile, Vol. II (Zurich 2015).
S. C. STONE, Morgantina Studies, Volume VI: The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery (Princeton 2015).
E. AQUILIA et al., Petro-archaeometric characterization of potteries from a kiln in Adrano, Sicily, Heritage Science 3.1, 2015, 1-9.
A. GRANATA, Magenta Ware from Sicilian Funerary Contexts, in: R. G. Gürtekin-Demir – H. Cevizoğlu – Y. Polat – G. Polat (eds.), Keramos. Ceramics: A Cultural Approach, Proceedings of the First International Conference at Ege University, May 9-13, 2011, Izmir (Ankara 2015) 104-114, 282-287.
A. GRANATA, Hellenistic Plastic Vases in Sicily: Some Reflection, in: P. M. Militello – H. Öniz (eds.), 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Catania, 3-5 Marzo 2011, BAR 2695 (II) (Oxford 2015) 651-655.
M. T. MAGRO – A. MAZZAGLIA, Indagini in via San Francesco d’Assisi, in: F. Nicoletti (ed.), Catania antica. Nuove prospettive di ricerca (Catania 2015) 359-378.
D. MALFITANA – G. CACCIAGUERRA, Archeologia della produzione ceramica nella Sicilia ellenistica e romana. Primi dati dal quartiere artigianale di Siracusa, HEROM 4.2, 2015, 222-275.
D. MIDOLO – U. SPIGO, Catania. Ricerche sotto palazzo Sangiuliano (piazza Università), in: F. Nicoletti (ed.), Catania antica. Nuove prospettive di ricerca (Catania 2015) 213-246.
G. MONTANA et al., Punic Amphorae at Entella (Sicily): Archaeometric Characterisation of this Possible Consumption Centre, in: P. M. Militello – Ö. Hakan Öniz (eds.), SOMA 2011 – Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, BAR 2695 (Oxford 2015) 815-824.
G. MONTANA et al., Ceramic ethnoarchaeometry in Sicily: recent traditional productions as a tool for understanding past manufactures, in: P. M. Militello – Ö. Hakan Öniz (eds.), SOMA 2011 – Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology, BAR 2695 (Oxford 2015) 253-258.
L. M. RUSSO, Catalogo dei reperti di età greco-arcaica, classica, ellenistica in: P. Marchese (ed.), La Ganzaria: ricerca, conoscenza, memoria (Palermo 2015) 103-111.
S. C. STONE, The Pottery found in the Excavations of the South Baths in Area VI (Contrada Agnese) Morgantina, in: L. Maniscalco (ed.), Morgantina duemilaquindici: la ricerca archeologica a sessant’anni dall’avvio degli scavi (Palermo 2015) 115-122.
A. TAORMINA, Nuove ricerche archeologiche nel teatro antico di Catania, in F. Nicoletti (ed.), Catania antica. Nuove prospettive di ricerca (Catania 2015) 281-349.
A. WALTHALL, Recenti scavi nei granai monumentali di Morgantina, in: L. Maniscalco (ed.), Morgantina duemilaquindici: la ricerca archeologica a sessant’anni dall’avvio degli scavi (Palermo 2015) 82-91.
Online Publications
B. BECHTOLD – K. SCHMITH, Amphorae and Coarse Ware Fabrics of Panormos: Evidences for Local Production and Export, in: FACEM Papers http://facem.at/img/pdf/Fabrics_Panormos_Bechtold_Schmidt_17.6.2015.pdf
B. BECHTOLD – K. SCHMITH, Amphorae Fabrics of Solus: Evidences for Local Production and Export, in: FACEM Papers,
B. BECHTOLD – K. SCHMITH, Amphorae and Coarse Ware Fabrics of Motya: Evidences for Local Production and Export, in: FACEM Papers, http://facem.at/img/pdf/Fabrics_Motya_Bechtold_Schmidt_18062015.pdf
B. BECHTOLD – K. SCHMITH, Amphorae and Coarse Ware Fabrics of Lilybaion: Evidences for Local Production and Export, in: FACEM Papers, http://facem.at/img/pdf/Fabrics_Lilybaion_Bechtold_Schmidt_20150530.pdf
B. BECHTOLD – K. SCHMITH, Amphorae and Coarse Ware Fabrics of Punic Selinus: Evidences for Local Production and Export*, in: FACEM Papers, http://facem.at/img/pdf/Fabrics_Selinus_Bechtold_Schmidt_17.6.2015.pdf
E. BONACINI – M. TURCO, L’insediamento rurale di Contrada Franchetto a Castel di Iudica (Ct). Un sito rurale tra età repubblicana ed età imperiale, The Journal of Fasti Online, http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2015-339.pdf
S. HASSAM, Ceramics Production in Late Hellenistic and Roman Syracuse: The Search for the Pottery Quarter, in: The Compass (Arcadia University’s Scholarly Journal 1, 2015, http://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/thecompass/vol1/iss2/3.
G. MONTANA et al., Mineralogical and petrographic analysis of early-Hellenistic mortars from a Punic-Roman residential area discovered at Palermo (Sicily), in: Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2015, 350-350.
M. QUARTARARO, Anfore e ceramica comune di produzione punica da Entella (PA), in: FACEM Papers,
Reviews (online)
L. PFUNTNER, Rev. on S. C. Stone, Morgantina Studies, Volume VI: The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery, (Princeton 2015), in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.09.43.
P. D. SCIRPO, Rev. on G. F. La Torre – F. Mollo (eds.), Finziade I. Scavi sul Monte S. Angelo di Licata (2003-2005), Archaeologica 172, in: Histara les comptes rendus, http://histara.sorbonne.fr/cr.php?cr=1917.
SARDINIA (E. Piccardi)
M. GUIRGUIS – R. PLA ORQUIN, Monte Sirai tra età punica e romana (IV – II secolo a.C.). Trasformazione urbane e continuità culturale nella Sardegna di età ellenistica, in: P. Ruggeri (ed.), L’Africa romana. Momenti di continuità e rottura. Bilancio di trent’anni di convegni L’Africa romana. Atti del XX Convegno internazionale di studi, Alghero –
Porto Conte Ricerche, 26-29 settembre 2013 (Rome 2015) 2308-2321.
ISRAEL (D. Sandhaus)
Book chapters
A. BERLIN, Excavations at Kanaf, the Pottery (Chapter 5), in: Ma’oz T. (ed.), Ḥorvat Kanaf Excavations in 1978–1980 and 1985, Final Report, Archaostyle Scientific Research Series 14 (Qazrin 2015) 57-131.
T. MA’OZ, The Origin, Chronology and Distribution of the Black and Red Phoenician Hellenistic Pottery (Chapter 1), in: Ma’oz T. (ed.), Ḥorvat Kanaf Excavations in 1978–1980 and 1985, Final Report, Archaostyle Scientific Research Series 14 (Qazrin 2015) 7-19.
O. TAL, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Pottery (Chapter 15), in: I. Beit-Arieh – L. Freud (eds.), Tel Malḥata: a City in the Biblical Negev, vol. I., Tel Aviv University Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute, Monograph Series 32 (Tel Aviv 2015) 671–683.
R. AVNER – Y. ZELINGER, A Cemetery, a quarry and Remains of a Church at Ketef Hinnom, Jerusalem, Atiqot 80, 2015, 23–53 (Hebrew), 171–172 (English Summary).
A. BERLIN, Pottery of the Hellenistic Periods, in: S. Gitin (ed.), The Ancient Pottery of Israel and its Neighbors from the Iron Age through the Hellenistic Period 2 (Jerusalem 2015) 629–671, 744–745.
E. JAKOEL, The Pottery and Stone Vessels from Yavne-Yam (North), Atiqot 81, 2015, 31–42 (Hebrew), 116 (English Summary).
A. NAGORSKY – Z. GREENHUT, Iron Age and Second Temple Period Remains at Ras el- ͑Amud, Jerusalem, Atiqot 80, 2015, 1–21 (Hebrew), 139-140 (English Summary).
R. ROSENTHAL-HEGINBOTTOM, Pottery of the Hellenistic Periods, in: S. Gitin (ed.), The Ancient Pottery of Israel and its Neighbors from the Iron Age through the Hellenistic Period, vol. 2 (Jerusalem 2015) 673–708.
D. SANDHAUS – I. KREIMERMAN, The 4th/3rd Century BCE transition in the Judean Hinterland in Light of the Pottery from Khirbet Qeiyafa, Tel Aviv 42/2, 2015, 251-271.
I. STERN – V. NOAM, Holey Vessels of Maresha, ARAM 27:1-2, 2015, 343-364.
I. STERN – M. OSBAND, Excavations at Maresha; Subterranean Complex 90: Final Report, NGSBA Archaeology Journal 3, 2015, 161–212.
S. WEKSLER-BDOLAH – M. AVISAR, An Excavation in the Courtyard of the Knights’ Palace Hotel in the Christian Quarter, the Old City of Jerusalem, Atiqot 80, 2015, 67–108 (Hebrew), 145-147 (English Summary).
JORDAN (A. Laftsidis)
N. ALI – N. BADER, Two Rhodian stamped amphora handles from Tell Es-Sukhanah (Jordan): a case study, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 15.3, 2015, 45-51.
LEBANON (Z. Kotitsa)
S. ÉLAIGNE, La vaisselle de table en Phénicie à l’époque hellénistique, in: J. Aliquot – C. Bonnet (eds.), La Phénicie hellénistique, Actes du colloque intérnationale de Toulouse 18-20 fevrier 2013, Topoi Suppl. 13 (Lyon 2015) 267-294.
T. WALISZEWSKI – U. WICENCIAK, Jiyeh (Porphyreon). Nouvelles découvertes sur le territoire de Sidon à l’époque hellénistique, in: J. Aliquot – C. Bonnet (eds.), La Phénicie hellénistique, Actes du colloque intérnationale de Toulouse 18-20 fevrier 2013, Topoi Suppl. 13 (Lyon 2015) 155-179.
MESOPOTAMIA (C. Römer-Strehl)
E. KATZY, Hellenisierung Nordmesopotamiens am Beispiel des Khabur-Gebietes, Vorderasiatische Forschungen der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim, Bd. 3, Ausgrabungen auf dem Tell Halaf in Nordost-Syrien, Teil 4 (Wiesbaden 2015).
RUSSIA (T. Egorova)
G. A. LOMTADZE, Керамическая тара из раскопок поселений IV – первой трети III в. до н.э. «царской хоры» Европейского Боспора / Amphorae from the excavations of settlements IV – the first third of the III cent. BC. from the Azov coast of the Eastern Crimea, in: A.A. Maslennikov (ed.), Древности Боспора. Suppl. III. / Antiquities of Bosporus. Suppl. III. Vol. 3 (Moscow 2015).
T. V. EGOROVA, Чернолаковая керамика V–IV вв. до н.э. с прочерченным и штампованным орнаментом из раскопок Пантикапея / Black-Glazed pottery of the 5th–4th centuries BC with incised and stamped ornament from the excavations of Pantikapaion, in: D. V. Zhuravlev (ed.), С Митридата дует ветер. Боспор и Причерноморье в античности / Wind blows down the mount Mithridates. The Bosporos and the Black Sea in antiquity (Moscow 2015) 63 – 68.
T. V. EGOROVA, Рецензия на серию статей А.А. Масленникова, посвященных чернолаковой керамике с памятников «царской» хоры Боспора / Review of the number of articles concerning Black Glazed pottery from the sites of the king’s chora of Bosporus written by A.A. Maslennikov, in: A. A. Maslennikov (ed.), Древности Боспора / Antiquities of Bosporus 19, 2015, 153–161.
A. V. IVCHENKO, Склеп с паросской амфорой на некрополе Ольвии / The crypt with Parian amphora on the necropolis of Olbia, Античный мир и археология / The antique world and archeology 17 (Saratov 2015) 253–271.
N. YU. LIMBERIS – I. I. MARCHENKO, Чернолаковые скифосы из меотских памятников правобережья Кубани / Black Glazed Skyphos from meotian sites the right bank of the Kuban, in: A. A. Maslennikov (ed.), Древности Боспора / Antiquities of Bosporus 19, 2015, 226–255.
S. YU. MONAKHOV, Новые находи аканфских амфор и коррективы к их типологии и хронологии / The new finds of Acanthian amphorae and corrections to their typology and chronology, Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры / Journal of historical, philological and cultural studies 3, 2015, 105–119.
L. A. RYZHOVA, Пергамские эллинистические кратеры (по материалам раскопок Херсонеса) / Pergamon Hellenistic Kraters (on the materials of excavations of Chersonesos), in: S. Yu. Saprykin (ed.), Приверноморье. История, политика, культура / Black Sea region. History, politics, culture. Issue XVI (B), Series A, 2015, 89–104.
S. V. USHAKOV, Об амфоре с виллы Басилида на хоре Херсонеса / About amphora from villa Basilida on the Chora of Chersonesos, Stratum plus 4, 2015, 293–298.
S. YU. VNUKOV, Продолжительность использования античных винных амфор / The duration of use of antique amphorae for wine, KSIA 238, 2015, 158–166.
SPAIN (A. Ribera)
S. AZCARRAGA, El ocaso de un pueblo. La Carpetania centro-septentrional entre la segunda Edad del Hierro y la época romana (siglos III a.C. – I d.C.): el valle Bajo del Henar (Alcala de Henares 2015).
M. ORFILA – G. BARATTA – M. MAYER – E. SANCHEZ – M. GUTIÉRREZ – P. MARIN, Los santuarios de Cales Coves (Alaior, Menorca) (Ciutadella 2015).
J. PIMENTA et.al, Em busca de Ierabriga (Vila Franca de Xira 2015).
D. QUIXAL, La Meseta de Requena-Utiel (Valencia) entre los siglos II a.C. y II d.C. La romanización del territorio ibérico de Kelin, Serie de Trabajos Varios 118 (Valencia 2015).
E. VERDÚ PARRA, La necrópolis ibérica de l’Albufereta (Alacant). Ritos y usos funerarios en un contexto de interacción cultural, MARQ Serie Mayor II (Alicante 2015).
Edited Volumes
J. P. BELLÓN – A. RUIZ – M. MOLINOS – C. RUEDA – F. GOMEZ (eds.), La Segunda Guerra Púnica en la península ibérica. Baecula: arqueología de una batalla (Jaén 2015).
V. MARTÍNEZ FERRERAS (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015).
I. AMOROS LOPEZ, Secuencia de ocupación del poblado ibérico de el Pitxòcol (Balones, Alicante) a partir de su repertorio material. Alberri. Quaderns d’Investigació del Centre d’Estudis Contestans 25, 2015, 133-169.
M. CARBONELL – B. CORRAL, La cova de Son Boter. Estudi i revisió dels materials arqueològics d´una cova natural d´ámbit domèstic de la prehistoria i protohistòria de Menorca, in: C. Andreu – C. Ferrando – O. Pons (eds.), L´Entreteixit dels Temps: Miscel·lània d´Estudis en Homenatge a Lluís Plantalamor Massanet, (Palma de Mallorca 2015) 79-95.
M. CARBONELL – B. CORRAL – C. SALORT, Estudi i context de les ànfores púnicoebusitanes del cercle 7 de Torre d´en Galmés (Alaior, Menorca), in: C. Andreu – C. Ferrando – O. Pons (eds.), L´Entreteixit dels Temps: Miscel·lània d´Estudis en Homenatge a Lluís Plantalamor Massanet, (Palma de Mallorca 2015) 97-110.
J. CASAS – V. SOLER, La ceràmica grisa monocroma de mas Gusó (Bellcaire d’Empordà), Annals de l´Instutut d´Estudis Gironins 56 (Girona 2015) 9-62.
J. CASAS – J. M. NOLLA – L. PALAHI – D. VIVÓ – V. SOLER, Mas Gusó: una statio romana al suburbium d’Empúries (Provincia Hispania Citerior), Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 25, 2015, 245-262.
F. CEREZO, El Puerto de Carthago Nova. Tráfico marítimo a través de los contextos materiales, in: J. López (ed.), August i les Províncies Occidentals. 2000 Aniversari de la Mort d’August, Tarraco Bienal 2 (Tarragona 2015) 23-32.
F. CODINA – A. MARTIN – G. DEL PRADO, Les imitations de céramique coloniale des sites ibériques d’Ullastret (Catalogne), in: R. Roure (ed.), Contacts et Acculturations en Méditerranée Occidentale: Hommàge à Michel Bats. Actes du Colloque de Hyeres, 15-18 septembre 2011 (Paris 2015) 377-384.
M. COMAS – V. MARTÍNEZ, Productores y mercatores de Baetulo (Badalona). Las ánforas vinarias y la epigrafía asociada, in: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015).
V. DIAS, A cerâmica campaniense do Monte Molião, Lagos. Os hábitos de consumo no litoral algarvio durante os séculos II a.C. e I a.C., Spal 24, 2015, 99-128.
S. GALLEGO, Las cerámicas de barniz negro de l’Alt del Fort (Cullera), in: C. Aranegui (ed.), El Sucronensis Sinus en época Ibérica. SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia. Extra-17 (Valencia 2015) 113-128.
F. J. GARCIA – O. RODRIGUEZ, Itálica: la fundación de Publio Cornelio Escipión Africano en el corazón de la Hispania púnica, in: M. Bendala (ed.), Los Escipiones. Roma conquista Hispania (Alcalá de Henares 2015) 223-244.
P. GEBELLÍ, La dinámica comercial de Tarraco: las importaciones de ánforas vinarias (100 a.C.-100 d.C.), in: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015) 109-124.
I. GRAU – C. CARRERAS – E. CORTELL – A. CORTÉS – J. H. MIRÓ – J. MOLINA – J. M. SEGURA, L’assentament de la Torre Redona (Alcoi) i la formación del paisatge romà a les comarques de l’Alcoià-el Comtat. RecMusAlcoi 24, 2015, 67-86.
E. HUGUET – A. RIBERA, La vajilla usada en ofrendas rituales en Valentia (siglos II a.C – I d.C.). Cerámica específica y general, SFECAG. Actes du Congrés de Nyon (Marsella 2015) 221-244.
M. LOPEZ-BERTRAN, Paisajes rituales en el Sucronensis Sinus, in: C. Aranegui (ed.), El Sucronensis Sinus en época Ibérica. SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia. Extra-17 (Valencia 2015) 43-62.
J. LÓPEZ – P. BERNI – V. MARTÍNEZ, Sello BARSAE sobre ánfora itálica de Vilabella (Tarragona), Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 6, 2015, 17-21.
A. MARTIN, Arqueología del vino en época romana: Teoría económica, lógica productiva y comercial aplicada al envasado, la expedición, el transporte y la distribución de ánforas vinarias del noreste peninsular (s. I a.C.-I d.C.), in: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015) 19-36.
V. MARTÍNEZ HAHNMÜLLER – J. L. LÓPEZ, El comercio en Iberia durante la Segunda Guerra Romano-Cartaginesa, in: J. P. Bellón – A. Ruiz – M. Molinos – C. Rueda – F. Gómez (eds.), La Segunda Guerra Púnica en la península ibérica. Baecula: arqueología de una batalla (Jaén 2015) 49-62.
D. MATEO, Producción anfórica en la costa malacitana desde época púnica hasta el periodo Julio-Claudio. Lucentum 34, 183-206.
C. PADRÒS – A. PUJOL – R. SALA, Puig Ciutat (Oristà, Barcelona): un praesidium pompeià als peus dels Pirineus, Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 25, 2015, 279-292.
G. PASCUAL – A. RIBERA, Eastern amphorae in Valentia (1st century BC–3rd century AD) and Pompeii (1st century BC to AD 79), in: S. Demesticha (ed.), Per Terram, per Mare. Seaborne trade and the distribution of Roman Amphorae in the
Mediterranean (Uppsala 2015) 269-286.
J. PÉREZ, L’Albufera de Valencia. Comercio y frecuentación ultramarina entre los siglos
VI y II a.C., in: C. Aranegui (Ed.) El Sucronensis Sinus en época Ibérica. SAGVNTVM.
Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia. Extra-17 (Valencia 2015) 27-41.
O. PONS – C. SALVÁ, La cerámica campana A del fondejador de Calescoves i els
poblats talaiòtics de Trepucó i Son Catlar, in: C. Andreu – C. Ferrando – O. Pons (eds.),
L´Entreteixit dels Temps. Miscellània d´Estudis en Homenatge a Lluís Plantalamor
Massanet (Palma de Mallorca 2015) 337-348.
J. PRINCIPAL – M. P. CAMAÑES – C. PADRÒS, Un edifici singular al castellum
romanorepublicà de Monteró 1 (Camarasa, la Noguera) i l’urbanisme complex d’un post
avançat del nord-est de la Citerior, Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 25, 2015, 309-328.
S. RAMALLO – M. MARTIN, Qart-Hadast en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Púnica,
in: J. P. Bellón – A. Ruiz – M. Molinos – C. Rueda – F. Gómez (eds.), La Segunda
Guerra Púnica en la península ibérica. Baecula: arqueología de una batalla (Jaén 2015)
V. REVILLA, Agricultura, artesanado rural y territorio en el noreste de Hispania
Citerior: estructuras y dinámica, in: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de
las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress
Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015) 1-18.
A. RIBERA – G. PASCUAL, Las Ánforas del nivel de destrucción de Valentia (75 aC),
in: I. Aguilera – F. Beltrán – M. J. Dueñas – C. Lomba – J. Paz (eds.), De las Ánforas al
Museo. Estudios dedicados a Miguel Beltrán Lloris (Zaragoza 2015) 739-750.
E. RODRIGO – C. CARRERAS – V. PORCHEDDU, Marques africanes i ròdies de
Can Tacó (Montmeló), Pyrenae 46.2, 2015, 31-47.
C. SÁNCHEZ, Les amphores de Tarraconaise dans les contextes narbonnais, in: V.
Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania
Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford
2015) 165-180.
E. SÁNCHEZ – M. ORFILA, Boles helenísticos con relieves a molde en el santuario de
Calescoves (Menorca). Spal 24, 2015, 237-249.
A. G. SINNER, Cultural contacts and identity construction: a colonial context in NE
Spain (2nd – early 1st c. B.C.), JRA 28, 2015, 7-38.
J. R. TORRES, Une cruche punique du Puig des Molins (Ibiza) à la forme et décoration
singulières, in : C. Andreu – C. Ferrando – O. Pons (eds.), L´Entreteixit dels Temps.
Miscellània d´Estudis en Homenatge a Lluís Plantalamor Massanet (Palma de Mallorca
2015) 349-357.
J. TREMOLEDA – P. CASTANYER – M. SANTOS, Empúries, puerto de recepción y
redistribución del vino de la Tarraconense, in: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La Difusión
Comercial de las Ánforas Vinarias de Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.),
Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 4 (Oxford 2015) 91-108.
TURKEY (Z. Kotitsa – A. Laftsidis – L. Picht)
G. ATES, Die rote Feinkeramik von Aizanoi als lokaler Kulturträger. Untersuchungen
zum Verhältnis von lokaler roter Feinkeramik und importierter Sigillata, AF 32
(Wiesbaden 2015).
N. FENN, Späthellenistische und Frühkaiserzeitliche Keramik aus Priene.
Untersuchungen zu Herkunft und Produktion, AF 35 (Wiesbaden 2015).
C. BAKAN – T. E. SERIFOĞLU, Cytorus-Cide during the Hellenistic Period, in: E.
Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750
(Oxford 2015) 297-304.
G. CANKARDES-SENOL, Early Cnidian Amphora Exports to Alexandria, Egypt, in: E.
Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750
(Oxford 2015) 169-192.
G. DINARLI, A Brief Report on the Pottery of 6th to 1st Centuries BC. from Oluz
Höyük, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia,
BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 273-278.
S. DÖNMEZ, Preliminary Results on the Hellenistic and Iron Age Phases at Oluz
Höyük, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia,
BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 255-272.
E. DÜNDAR – G. ISIN, Hellenistic Ceramics from the Cellar of the Building Complex
on the Tepecik Acropolis at Patara in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the
Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 203-216.
E. EKIN, Hellenistic and Roman Pottery from Nicomedia, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.),
Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 305-312.
B. ENGELS, Festbankette im Grottenheiligtum von Pergamon, in: J. A. Dickmann – A.
Heinemann (eds.), Vom Trinken und Bechern. Das antike Gelage im Umbruch (Freiburg
2015) 91-99.
M. FIRAT, Hellenistic Mouldmade Lamps at the Museum of Isparta in: E. Lafli – S.
Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015)
L. HEINZE, Bechern in der Planstadt. Das bürgerliche Symposium im spätklassischen-
frühhellenistischen Priene, in: J.-A. Dickmann – A. Heinemann (eds.), Vom Trinken und
Bechern. Das antike Gelage im Umbruch (Freiburg 2015) 57-66.
S. JAPP, A Hellenistic Plate of Pergamene Production – Typological, Chronological and
Archaeometric Analysis, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the
Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 127-136.
H. KÖRSULU, Nagidos arkaik, klasik ve hellenistik dönem mutfak ve Pisirim kapları,
Gephyra 12, 2015, 141-177.
E. LAFLI, Tonlampen aus Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidien in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.),
Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 231-242.
E. OKAN et al., The production of Chios-style amphorae at a ceramic workshop in
Phocaea (Foca), Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 15.3, 2015, 259-276.
A. K. SENOL, New Evidences on the Amphora Production in the Rhodian Peraea
during the Early Hellenistic Period, in: E. Lafli – S. Pataci (eds.), Recent Studies on the
Archaeology of Anatolia, BAR 2750 (Oxford 2015) 193-202.