(edited by A. Laftsidis) (last updated 30.07.2018)
M. LANGNER, Centre and Periphery Levels of Quality in Red-Figure Productions of
the 4th Century BC, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella
Drougou (Athens 2016) 760-782.
G. KAVVADIAS, Μία ελληνιστική πυξίδα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου, in:
M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016)
J. LUND, Eastern Sigillata A Ware: The Riddle of the Stamps, in: M. Giannopoulou –
Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 830-840.
V. MITSOPOULOS-LEON, Die zweihenkeligen Tassen. Uberlegungen zu einer
besonderen Form, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella
Drougou (Athens 2016) 138-152.
P. PUPPO, Trade Exchanges in the Western Mediterranean: The Distribution of
sombreros de copa, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking
the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods,
IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 87-98.
E. TRINKL, Aufstieg und Niedergang einer Gefässform – die Bauchlekythos, in: S. Japp
– P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from
the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 251-261.
A. ZARKADAS, Αρκτίνου Αιθιοπίς. Μία νέα μαρτυρία σε όστρακο ανάγλυφου σκύφου
στο Μουσείο Παύλου και Αλεξάνδρας Κανελλοπούλου, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch.
Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 342-352.
CENTRAL ASIA (K. Junker – A. Laftsidis)
J. B. HOUAL, The Hellenistic Period through the Ceramics of Termez (Uzbekistan) and
Balkh (Afganistan), in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking
the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods,
IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 465-478.
PIDAEV – E. V. RTVELADZE – S. B. BOBLELOV, Tableware in the Hellenistic
Tradition from the City of Kampyr Tepe in Ancient Bactria (Uzbekistan), Archaeometry
58/5, 2016, 736-764.
M. MINARDI, Elite, wine consumption and status symbols in ancient Chorasmia,
AncCivScytSib 22, 2016, 262-294.
G. PUSCHNIGG, Continuity or Innovation in Coarse Wares at Early Hellenistic Merv?,
in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of
Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016)
ESPARRAGUERA – H. HEIN – Sh. PIDAEV, Pottery production in the Buddhist
communities in Central Asia: The Kushan-Sassanian pottery workshop of Kara Tepe
(Termez, Uzbekistan), Archaeometry 58/1, 2016, 35-56.
ALBANIA (A. Laftsidis)
A. GAMBERINI, Ceramiche fini ellenistiche da Phoinike (Bologna 2016).
N. ALEOTTI, Hellenistic Ash Containers from Phoinike (Albania), Journal of
Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture 1, 2016, 37-55.
N. FENN – CH. RÖMER-STREHL, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery from 2013
Excavations at Dimal/Albania. An Illyrian Hilltop-Settlement with Mediterranean
Connections in the Hinterland of Apollonia, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and
Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early
Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 193-207.
E. SHEHI, Illyrian Cooking Ware (ICW): Some Ideas on the Origin, Production and
Diffusion, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016) 209-221.
CROATIA (M. Ugarkovic – A. Laftsidis)
DE MITRI, Trade in Pottery within the Lower Adriatic in the 2nd century BCE, Journal
of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture 1, 2016, 21-36.
I. KAMENJARIN, Hellenistic pottery from Siculi (Resnik), Croatia, in: S. Japp – P.
Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the
Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 177-185.
B. KIRIGIN, Pithoi/Dolia from Central Dalmatian Islands, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 187-192.
M. MISE – A. TOULOUMTZIDOU, Hellenistic Tomb in Stonca Bay near Issa on the
Island of Vis, Croatia: New Evidence on the Imports from Sicily and Mainland Greece,
Hesperìa. Studi Sulla Grecita Di Occidente 32, 2016, 273-322.
MÄHLMANN – A. MOSCARIELLO, Compositional properties and provenance of
Hellenistic pottery from the necropolis of Issa with evidences on the cross-Adriatic and
the Mediterranean-scale trade, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16.1,
2016, 23-52.
M. UGARKOVIC, Light from the East. Hellenistic Relief Lamps of Eastern
Mediterranean Provenance in Dalmatia, in: G. Lipovac Vrkljan – I. Ozanic Roguljic – M.
Ugarkovic (eds.), Roman and Late Antique Lamps: Production and Distribution, contacts
on the Mediterranean, Proceeding of the international round table, Zagreb 2nd February
2015, E-ZIA 1 (Zagreb 2016) 5-17.
M. UGARKOVIC, Trouble in paradise? Among the last comedy scenes in red-figure: an
oinochoe from Issa and its cultural context, Journal of Dalmatian history and archaeology
109, 2016, 57-97.
CYPRUS (K. Nocoń – A. Laftsidis)
Congress Proceedings
E. PAPUCI-WŁADYKA – A. DOBOSZ (eds.), W Sercu Starożytnego Miasta. Pięć Lat
Badań Krakowskich Archaeologow Na Agorze w Pafos Na Cyprze (2011-2015) / In the
Heart of the Ancient City. Five Years of Krakow Archaeologists’ Research at the Paphos
Agora on Cyprus (2011-2015) (Krakow 2016).
Edited Volumes
E. PAPUCI-WLADYKA – A. DOBOSZ (eds.), In the Heart of the Ancient City. Five
Years of Krakow Archaeologists’ Research at the Paphos Agora on Cyprus (2011-2015)
(Krakow 2016).
M. KAJZER, Changes in the Mediterranean contacts during the Hellenistic and Roman
Periods based on oil lamps’ finds from Cyprus – preliminary remarks, in: M. Kajzer – Ł. Miszk – M. Wacławik (eds.), Land and Fertility I: South-east Mediterranean since
Bronze Age to the Muslim Conquest (Cambridge 2016) 105-110.
EGYPT (C. Römel-Strehl)
J. GILL, Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies (Oxford
N. HUDSON, Late Persian and Early Hellenistic pottery at Tell Timai, Bulletin de
Liaison de la Céramique Égyptienne 26, 2016, 75-108.
MACEDONIA (Z. Kotitsa – A. Laftsidis)
I. AKAMATIS, Πύδνα: ένα νέο κέντρο παραγωγής ενσφράγιστων αμφορέων, in: M.
Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 90-
CH. KALLINI, ΜΗΤΡΙ ΘΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΤΕΛΗΑΙ. Ο ενεπίγραφος κάνθαρος από το
Μητρώο των Αιγών, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella
Drougou (Athens 2016) 468-488.
Z. KOTITSA, From Macedonia to the Levant? Two silver saltcellars in the AUB
Museum, Berytos 55, 2016, 251-262.
Ζ. KOTITSA, Αθήνα – Μακεδονία: Νέες προοπτικές στις σχέσεις τους, in: M.
Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016)
Z. KOTITSA, Historical Change and Ceramic Tradition: The Case of Macedonia, in: S.
Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery
from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 273-
E. LAMBROTHANASSI – A. TOULOUMTZIDOU, A Terracotta Figurine of a War
Elephant and Other Finds from a Grave at Thessaloniki, Journal of Hellenistic Pottery
and Material Culture 1, 2016, 69-112.
M. TSIMBIDOU-AVLONITI, Ένα αδιατάρακτο ταφικό σύνολο του 4ου αι. π.Χ. στο
Λάκκωμα Χαλκιδικής, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift
Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 756-784.
Thrace (Z. Kotitsa)
K. KALLINTZI, Πήλινα φαρμακοδοχεία από τα Άβδηρα, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch.
Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 490-514.
EPIRUS (A. Laftsidis)
G. PLIAKOU, Ανάγλυφοι σκύφοι από ελληνιστική αγροικία στην «Επισκοπή»
Ιωαννίνων, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou
(Athens 2016) 370-386.
THESSALY (A. Laftsidis)
S. KATAKOUTA, Κέρνος Φαρσάλου, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.),
Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 548-564.
G. ACKERMANN, Les assiettes d’Erétrie a l’époque hellénistique, in: S. Japp – P.
Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the
Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 263-272.
Y. CHAIRETAKIS, Pottery Production in Hellenistic Chalkis, Euboea, Journal of
Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture 1, 2016, 57-68.
A. CHARAMI, Παιδική ταφή ελληνιστικών χρόνων από την νεκρόπολη της αρχαίας
Ακραιφίας στην Βοιωτία, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift
Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 836-854.
V. TSANTILA, Oiniadai, a Significant Akarnanian Port on the Trade Route from Asia
Minor to Italy: The Evidence Provided by the Relief Pottery, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler
(eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late
Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 223-240.
ATTICA (A. Laftsidis)
S. I. ROTROFF, Hausmann’s Workshop and Innovation in the Production of Athenian
Mold-made Bowls, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking
the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods,
IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 297-305.
PELOPONNESE (A. Laftsidis)
K. FILIS, The Local Transport Amphorae from Aigion, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 151-167.
W. RUDOLPH, Prolegomena to the Study of Hellenistic Pottery from aboe the Cult
Centre at the Acropolis of Mycenae, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and
Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early
Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 241-249.
AEGEAN (A. Laftsidis)
A. SOPHIE MARTZ, Traditions et innovations dans la vaisselle céramique de la Maison
de Fourni, Délos, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016) 287-295.
E. SEMANTONI-BOURNIA, Ελληνιστική κεραμική από τη Νάξο. Η μαρτυρία των
Υρίων, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν. Festschrift Stella Drougou
(Athens 2016) 466-484.
Emergence of ‘Hellenistic’ Transport Amphoras: The Example of Rhodes, in: S. Japp –
P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from
the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 135-150.
CRETE (N. Vogeikoff-Brogan)
N. VOGEIKOFF-BROGAN, A Bes-Silenus Plastic Vase in the Ierapetra Archaeological
Collection: the Egyptian Connection, in: M. Giannopoulou – Ch. Kallini (eds.), Ηχάδιν.
Festschrift Stella Drougou (Athens 2016) 808-822.
IBERIA (A. Laftsidis)
E. DE SOUSA, From Greek to Roman Pottery in the Far West, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler
(eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late
Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 17-28.
SPAIN (A. Laftsidis)
The Hellenization of Taste in Turdetania: Tradition and Change in Ceramic Assemblages in the Valley of the Guadalquivir in the Late Iron Age, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 29-41.
V. MORENO MEGIAS, Kuass Ware in Turdetan Communities: Distribution and Local
Production in the Lower Guadalquivir, SW Spain, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 69-77.
Tableware of Punic and Early Roman Gadir/Gades (4th-1st cent. BC): An Update on the
so-called «Kuass Ware», in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations.
Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial
Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 55-68.
A. M. SAEZ-ROMERO, Grey Wares of Late Punic Gadir (4th–3rd centuries B.C.).
Some Features of the Hellenization of Local Tableware, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 43-54.
ITALY (coord. L. Ambrosini)
H. DI GIUSEPPE, La ceramica a vernice nera e l’economia del tempio, in: A. Russo
Tagliente – F. Guarneri (eds.), Santuari Mediterranei tra Oriente e Occidente. Interazioni
e contatti culturali. Atti del convegno internazionale, Civitavecchia, Rome 2014 (Rome
2016) 143-156.
S. CIPRIANI, Aegean Ware e il commercio tra l’antica Altino e l’Oriente, ReiCretActa
44, 2016, 77-84.
MARCHE (P.Puppo)
Congress Proceedings
E. BIOCCO – G. CILLA, Macerata. Matelica: la valle del torrente Crinacci tra l’età del
Ferro e l’epoca romana, in: G. Baldini – P. Giroldini (eds.), Dalla Valdelsa al Conero.
Ricerche di Archeologia e tipografia storica in ricordo di Giuliano De Marinis. Atti del
Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Colle di Val d’Elsa, San Gimignano, Poggibonsi, 27-
29 novembre 2015 (Firenze 2016) 380-390.
G. M. FABRINI – M. GIULIODORI – V. TUBALDI, Urbs Salvia: un contesto
ceramico dalla fronte del tempio della Dea Salus tra la fine della repubblica e l’età
tiberiana, ReiCretActa 44, 2016, 144-153.
S. PATZKE, The Etruscan ceramica sovraddipinta – Innovation in the Lifetime of a
Pottery Type, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016), 99-109.
L. AMBROSINI, Tradition and Innovation: The Ring Askos in Late red-Figured
Faliscan Pottery, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016), 79-86.
B. FERRARA, Il santuario di Hera alla foce del Sele. La ceramica a vernice nera
(Pozzuoli 2016).
Congress Proceedings
P. G. GUZZO, Un corredo di età repubblicana dalla necropoli di Atella, in: A. F.
Ferrandes – G. Pardini (eds.), Le regole del gioco: tracce, archeologi, racconti, studi in
onore di Clementina Panella (Roma 2016) 283-291.
L. TONIOLO, Una nuova officina di ceramica a pareti sottili a Pompei (I, 1, 1): il
sistema produttivo e il repertorio tipologico, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 44,
2016, 297-305.
L. TONIOLO, Archeologia del culto a Pompei. Performances rituali e vasellame votivo
dal Tempio di Apollo, in: M. C. Sánchez – S. España-Chamorro – E. A. B. Lázaro (eds.),
Estudios arqueológicos del Área Vesubiana II (Oxford 2016) 207-218.
F. BURANELLI – M. OSANNA, L. TONIOLO (eds.), Per grazia ricevuta: la
devozione religiosa a Pompei antica e moderna, catalogo della mostra Pompei 2016
(Roma 2016).
Online Publications
V. GASSNER – R. SAUER, Fabrics of Western Greek Amphorae from Campania and
from the Bay of Naples (2016)
C. DE MITRI, Changes in Cooking Ware Technology Between the 3rd and the 1st
Centuries BC on the South Adriatic Coast: The Case of Salento, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler
(eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late
Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 111-121.
SICILY (A. Granata)
MIRABELLA – S. RANERI, Pottery Production during “Romanization” of Sicily: an
Archaeometric Study of Plain Table Ware Classes from Ancient Akrai (Sicily),
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16.3, 2016, 157-170.
archeometriche: la caratterizzazione delle produzioni di anfore punico-siciliane, in: B.
Becthold – G. Montana – L. Randazzo – K. Schmidt (eds.), Le produzioni di anfore
puniche della Sicilia occidentale (VII-III/II sec. a.C.), Carthage Studies 9, 2016, 118-146.
G. BIONDI, L’Estetica dell’imbroglio: terrecotte figurate e falsari di Centuripe, Sicilia
Antiqua XIII, 2016, 25-36.
A. M. G. CALASCIBETTA, Le lucerne, in: F. Spatafora (ed.), Il Thesmophorion di
Entella. Scavi in Contrada Petraro (Pisa 2016) 101-215.
A. CASTRORAO BARBA, Ricognizioni archeologiche nel territorio di Castronovo di
Sicilia (Palermo): aggiornamento di siti noti e nuovi dati, Notiziario Archeologico della
Soprintendenza di Palermo 5, 2016, 1-19.
L. DI LEONARDO, La ceramica, in: F. Spatafora (ed.), Il Thesmophorion di Entella.
Scavi in Contrada Petraro (Pisa 2016) 217-275.
G. FALCO, Un frammento di ceramica ‘megarese’ con scena di caccia al museo ‘Paolo
Orsi’ di Siracusa, Sicilia Antiqua XIII, 2016, 95-102.
D. MALFITANA – G. CACCIAGUERRA, Archeologia della produzione ceramica a
Siracusa tra l’età ellenistica e la prima età imperiale. Primi dati dal quartiere artigianale,
in: N. Cucuzza – B. M. Giannattasio – S. Pallecchi (eds.), Archeologia delle produzioni
ceramiche nel mondo antico. Spazi, prodotti, strumenti e tecniche, Atti del convegno
(Genova, 1-2 dicembre 2014), Quaderni di archeologia – Genova (Roma 2016) 71-102.
M. PALACZYK, Major Innovations in the Rhodian Wine-Trade after 200 BC? –
Rhodian Stamps from Monte Iato in West Sicilian Context, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016), 123-134.
S. STONE, A Fill from a Potter’s Dump at Morgantina, Journal of Hellenistic Pottery
and Material Culture 1, 2016, 3-20.
Online Publications
G. F. LA TORRE – A. TOSCANO RAFFA, Archeologia dei paesaggi: il territorio di
Licata (AG) e la bassa valle dell’Himera meridionale, in Multi-, inter- and
transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology (3rd International Landscape
Archaeology Conference 2014, Rome 17th-20th of September 2014),
A. SCUDERI, Il «Castellazzo» di Monte Iato in Sicilia occidentale (PA). Quinta e sesta
campagna di scavo. Aggiornamenti dal territorio, The Journal of Fasti Online,
C. RUSSENBERGER – A. M. POLITO – G. MONTANA, Ceramica dipinta e di uso
comune acroma di Monte Iato. Contributo per una prima caratterizzazione della
produzione locale della prima età ellenistica (fine del IV – prima metà del III sec. a.C.),
FACEM 1, December 06-2016, http://facem.at/img/pdf/Russenberger_Polito_Montana_Iaitas_2016.pdf
K. SCHMIDT, Coarse Ware Fabrics of Iaitas, FACEM 1, December 06-2016,
SARDINIA (E. Piccardi)
P. PUPPO – F. MOSCA, L’influsso della Koinè ellenistica nella Sardegna punicoromana
di II a.C., ReiCretActa 44, 2016, 281-285.
ISRAEL (A. Laftsidis)
R. ROSENTHAL-HERINBOTTOM, Innovation and Stagnation in the Judean Lamp
Production in the Late Second Temple Period (150 BCE-70 CE), in: S. Japp – P. Kögler
(eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late
Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 429-443.
R. ROSENTHAL-HERINBOTTOM, Moldmade Bowls from Straton’s Tower (Caesarea
Maritima), Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture 1, 2016, 113-168.
JORDAN (A. Laftsidis)
J. FERGUSON, Traditions and Innovations in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman
Ceramic Assemblages from Tell Madaba, Jordan, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 415-427.
LEBANON (Z. Kotitsa)
U. WICENCIAK, Porphyreon. Hellenistic and Roman Pottery Production in the Sidon
Hinterland (Warsaw 2016).
Z. KOTITSA, From Macedonia to the Levant? Two silver saltcellars in the AUB
Museum, Berytos 55, 2016, 251-262.
Z. KOTITSA, Anhaltspunkte aus den Keramikkontexten zur Datierung, in: W. Held et
al., Der Hippodrom von Berytos. Vorbericht über die Ergebnisse der Arbeiten 2012 bis
2015, MarbWPr 2015/16, 3-187.
U. WICENCIAK, Ceramic Patchwork in Hellenistic to Byzantine Phoenicia:
Regionalization and Specialization of Vessel Production, PolAMed 25, 2016, 619-690.
RUSSIA (T. Egorova)
T. V. EGOROVA, Чернолаковая керамика с росписью в стиле «West Slope» из
раскопок Пантикапея / Black-Glazed Pottery decorated in the “West Slope” style from
Panticapaeum / Stratum plus: Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 3, 2016, 259-276.
T. V. EGOROVA, Hellenistic Black Glazed Pottery from Panticapaeum, in: S. Japp – P.
Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the
Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 517-528.
T. V. EGOROVA, Комплекс чернолаковой керамики из раскопа 1 поселения
Голубицкая 2 / Complex of the Black-Glazed Pottery from excavation 1 settlement
Golubitskaya 2, in: D. V. Zhuravlev (ed.) Азиатский Боспор и Прикубанье в
доримское время / Asian Bosporus and Kuban in pre-roman time (Moscow 2016) 29-33.
T. V. EGOROVA, Чернолаковая керамика из раскопок поселения Голубицкая 2 /
Black-Glazed pottery from excavations of Golubitskaya 2, in: D.V. Zhuravlev (ed.)
Древние эллины между Понтом Эвксинским и Меотидой / Ancient Greeks between
Pontus Euxine and Meotida (Moscow 2016) 59-61.
S. B. LANTSOV – M. S. SHAPTSEV, «Мегарские» чаши из сборов и раскопок
А.С. Голенцова в 70-90 гг. ХХ в. на городище Кульчук / “Megarian” bowls from A.S. Golentsov’s collecting and excavations in 70-90th of XX century, in: A. I. Ajbabin (ed.), Боспорские исследования / Bosporos Studies, Vol. XXXIII (Kerch 2016) 397-410.
A. A. MASLENNIKOV, Керамика с лаковым покрытием из раскопок городища
Сююрташ / Pottery with lacquer covered from excavations of Suurtash, in: A. A.
Maslennikov (ed.) Древности Боспора / Antiquities of Bosporus 20, 2016, 330-349.
M. S. SHAPTSEV, Портретные эмблемы римского времени на доньях
краснолаковых сосудов из раскопок античных памятников Крыма / Portrait emblems
of the Roman time in the bottoms of red slip vessels from the excavation of ancient
settlement of the Crimea, in: A. I. Ajbabin (ed.), Боспорские исследования / Bosporos
Studies, Vol. XXXIII (Kerch 2016) 428-434.
I. SHKRIBLIAK, Hellenistic Mold-made Relief Bowls from Late Scythian Sites of Sites
of Crimea, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016) 529-537.
M. Yu. TIURIN, Новые находки рельефной эллинистической керамики из
Херсонеса и его хоры / The new finds of the Hellenistic moldmade pottery from
Chersonesos and its chora / Элита Боспора и Боспорская элитарная культура.
Материалы международного Круглого стола 22-25 ноября 2016 года, The elite of the
Bosporos and the Bosporan elite culture. The materials of the International Round-table
22-25 of November 2016, СПб, 2016, 400-406.
M. TREISTER – N. VINOKUROV, Two Emblemata with Portrait Heads on Red-gloss
Bowls from the Site of Artezian in Eastern Crimea, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 503-516.
S. USHAKOV – M. TIURIN – E. LESNAYA, The new Hellenistic Assemblages from
the North-Eastern District of the Tauric Chersonesos, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 491-502.
S. USHAKOV – K. STRUKOVA, Grey Ware with Black Coating from Chersonesos:
Research Problems and New Findings, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early
Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 479-489.
SERBIA (A. Laftsidis)
P. POPOVIC, Painted Pottery from Kale – Krševica: Imported or of Local Provenance?,
in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of
Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016)
SUDAN (A. Laftsidis)
U. NOWOTNICK, Hellenistic Influence on Ceramics from Meroe and Hamadab
(Sudan), in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016) 399-414.
SYRIA (A. Laftsidis)
H. JACKSON, Green-glazed Wares at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid. Innovation, Imitation or
Hellenization?, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the
Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP
1 (Vienna 2016) 443-453.
TURKEY (L. Picht – A. Laftsidis)
A. BALDIRAN, Roulette Decorated Hellenistic Unguentaria from Stratonikeia, in: S.
Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery
from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 359-
C. BAKAN, Hellenistic Pottery from Assos. Deposits and Chronological Issues for
Future Studies, in: N. Arslan – E. M. Mohr – K. Rheidt (eds.), Assos. Neue
Forschungsergebnisse zurBaugeschichte und Archäologie der südlichen Troas.
Forschunsstelle Asia Minor im Seminar für Alte Geschichte der Westfälischen Wilhelms-
Universität Münster (Bonn 2016) 107-119.
A. BERLIN, Not So Fast: Ceramic Conservatism and Change at Sardis in the Early
Hellenistic Period, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking
the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods,
IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 351-358.
M. BUORA – E. LAFLI, Hadra Vases from Rough Cilicia, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler
(eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late
Classical to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 317-327.
S. JAPP – B. ENGELS – A. KEWELOH, Kiln Stacking as a Technique for Polychrome
Surface Design – A Pergamenian Innovation?, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions
and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the
Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 307-315.
V. LUNGU, Céramique hellénistique de Labraunda: à la recherche d’un faciès carien.
Données préliminaires, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations.
Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial
Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 371-381.
L. PICHT, You Are What You Eat (from)? The Development of Plates in Hellenistic and
Early Roman Priene, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods,
IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 341-349.
R. SAHIN, Red-figure Pottery of the 4th Century BC from Ainos (Enez) in Thrace: The
Final Phase of the Classical Tradition in Eastern Thrace, M. BUORA – E. LAFLI,
Hadra Vases from Rough Cilicia, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.), Traditions and
Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early
Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 329-340.
C. UYGUN, Samples of Hellenistic pottery from Üçtepe in Southeast Anatolia, M.
BUORA – E. LAFLI, Hadra Vases from Rough Cilicia, in: S. Japp – P. Kögler (eds.),
Traditions and Innovations. Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical
to the Early Imperial Periods, IARPotHP 1 (Vienna 2016) 383-398.
A. WALDNER, Archäologischer Befund und Funde. Keramik, in: E. Rathmayr (ed.),
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Woheinheit 7. Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde (Wien 2016)