(edited by M. Godsey - M. Gradoz - K. Niziołek)
G. LIPOVAC VRKLJAN – A. KONESTRA – A. ETEROVIĆ BORZIĆ (eds.), Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures. Production and trade in the Adriatic region and beyond. Proceedings of the 4th International Archaeological Colloquium (Crikvenica, 8-9 November 2017) (Oxford 2022).
Congress Proceedings
L. REMBART – A. WALDNER (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022).
Z. KOTITSA, Shining Vessels: Transferring the Technology of Tin-foiled Pottery in the Mediterranean, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 141-160.
G. KOUTSOUFLAKIS – M. LUACES – J. A. Z. LÓPEZ – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, A Fresh Approach to Seaborne Trade and Maritime Connectivity Between the Levant and the Aegean in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 241-254.
M. LUACES, Defining a Market in Antiquity: Beyond the Ceramic and Commodity Exchange, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 639-651.
J. LUND, The Formative History of the Lagynos: Some Suggestions, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 255-262.
D. S. VASKO, The Turban Alopekis Painter, in: H. Öniz – S. Fazlullin (eds.), SOMA 2016. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Saint Petersburg, 12-14 May 2016 (Oxford 2022) 35-42.
ALBANIA (A. Laftsidis)
N. ALEOTTI, Hellenistic “Corinthian type B” Amphorae from Butrint (Southern Albania): Reconsidering their Typology and their Role in the Regional Hellenistic Economy, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 411-425.
A. GAMBERINI, Ceramics for the Living and Ceramics for the Dead in Phoinike (Southern Albania), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 427-435.
CENTRAL ASIA (G. Lindström)
J. BRUNO – G. PUSCHNIGG, Reflections on Ceramics in the Bukhara Oasis. New Data from the MAFOUB Project, in: C. Baumer – M. Novák – S. Rutishauser (eds.), Cultures in contact: Central Asia as focus of trade, cultural exchange and knowledge transmission (Wiesbaden 2022) 277-288.
N. D. DVURECHENSKAYA, Ceramic collections from the citadel of the Uzundara fortress have been dated as the first third of the 3rd century BCE, Archaeological Research in Asia 31, 2022.
J. EMINLI, Pottery Production in Qabala – The Capital City of Caucasian Albania in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 695-708.
B. LYONNET, New Insights into Sogdiana during the Classical Period (from the end of the 4th c. BCE to the 3rd c. CE), Iran, Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies 60, 1, 2022, 46–64.
V. MARTINEZ-FERRERAS – J. M. GURT-ESPARRAGUERA – A. HEIN – S. CARRIÓN, Tableware for Symposia in Northen Bactria (Central Asia), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 17-34.
G. PUSCHNIGG, Sirvan Ceramics: Local Communities and Interregional Networks in the Central Zagros, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 317-327.
G. PUSCHNIGG, Ceramics of the Merv Oasis – The other side, Archaeological Research in Asia 31, 2022.
L. STANČO – V. MARTINÉZ FERRERAS – J. KYSELA, Pottery of the steppe piedmonts of the Bactro-Sogdian Borderlands: The case of Iskandar Tepa (mid-2nd–1st c. BC, Archaeological Research in Asia 31, 2022.
M. TREISTER, Керамическая вьючная фляга из раннекочевнического погребения в кургане Темир в Южном Зауралье, Вестник древней истории 8, 2, 2022, 419-439.
М. J. ТРEISTER, russi, ВДИ 82.2, 2022, 419–439.
CROATIA (A. Laftsidis – L. Šešelj)
S. ČAČE – A. JOHNSTON – B. KIRIGIN – L. ŠEŠELJ, A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Suppl. 143 (London 2022).
C. DE MITRI, Commercial Product, Personal Property or Gift? A Few Case Studies in the Ionian-Adriatic Area, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 683-693.
I. KAMENJARIN, Ceramic Cult Objects from Siculi, Croatia, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 631-636.
CYPRUS (K. Nocoń)
S.W. KATZEV – H. WYLDE SWINY (eds.), The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report, Volume I: History of the Excavation, Amphoras, Ceramics, Coins and Evidence for Dating (Oxford 2022).
K. NOCOŃ, Cultural Shift Or Short-Lived Fashion? Interpreting The Role Of Hellenistic Braziers From The Agora Of Nea Paphos, Cyprus, BSA 117, 2022, 263-284 (Open Access) doi:10.1017/S0068245422000053
E. RAPTOU, “Macedonian Type” Amphorae from Western Cyprus (Paphos Region), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 569-579.
EGYPT (M. Godsey)
J. GATES-FOSTER—M. GODSEY, Ptolemaic Painted Pottery from Ghozza, Eastern Desert, Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne 31, 2022, 329-360.
C. HARLAUT, Vases de banquet, de culte (?), offrandes funéraires et urnes cinéraires. Nouvelles données pour un groupe de céramique peinte hellénistique d’Alexandrie et d’Égypte, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 65-80.
M. HEPA, Funktionale Analyse und Kontextualisierung von Keramik aus einem ptolemäisch-römischen Tiergräberfeld in Syene/Oberägypten, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 329-338.
FRANCE (A. Laftsidis)
F. OLMER, Amphorae and Hellenistic Products in the Western Celtic World Before the Roman Conquest: Opportunism or Economic Contacts?, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 709-721.
GREECE (A. Laftsidis)
A. LAFTSIDIS, The Imitation Game: The Enduring Effects of Attic Pottery in the Hellenistic Times, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 475-493.
M. LILIMPAKI-AKAMATI – N. AKAMATIS, Ανατολικό νεκροταφείο Πέλλας. Οι πρώτες ανασκαφές (1974-1981) (Thessaloniki 2022).
N. AKAMATIS, Ο «θησαυρός» Πέλλα/2011. Παρατηρήσεις στη νομισματοκοπία των διοικητικο-πολιτικών ενοτήτων της Μακεδονίας του 2ου αι. π.Χ., Tekmeria 16, 2021-2022, 179-208.
M. APOSTOLOU, Κρατήρας καλυκωτός “hybrida” από την «Άλωρο Βοττιαίας», in: E. B. Tsigarida – K. Tzanavari – A. Chrysostomou (eds.), Πότνια Πέλλης. Τιμητικός τόμος για την Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη-Ακαμάτη (Thessaloniki 2022) 87-96.
A. GARYFALLOPOULOS, Πήλινος ρωμαϊκός κρατήρας με ανάγλυφες διονυσιακές μορφές στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο των Φιλίππων, in: E.B. Tsigarida – K. Tzanavari – A. Chrysostomou (eds.), Πότνια Πέλλης. Τιμητικός τόμος για την Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη-Ακαμάτη (Thessaloniki 2022) 97-103.
L. GKELOU, Ερυθρόμορφα αγγεία από το νεκροταφείο της Αχλάδας στην Φλώρινα, in: E. B. Tsigarida – K. Tzanavari – A. Chrysostomou (eds.), Πότνια Πέλλης. Τιμητικός τόμος για την Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη-Ακαμάτη (Thessaloniki 2022) 53-62.
E. NAOUM, Hellenistic pottery from the West Cemetery of Pella, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 545-558.
M. NASIOULA, Ἀμφιδάμαντα δὲ Τηλέμαχος. The Killing of the Suitors on Grammatika Vases, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 559-568.
M. TIVERIOS, Κεραμική πολυτελείας του 4ου προχριστιανικού αιώνα από τον μακεδονικό χώρο: εισαγμένη και τοπική παραγωγή, in: E. B. Tsigarida – K. Tzanavari – A. Chrysostomou (eds.), Πότνια Πέλλης. Τιμητικός τόμος για την Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη-Ακαμάτη (Thessaloniki 2022) 63-77.
A. LAFTSIDIS, Late Classical Bell-Krater with Painted Decoration from Maroneia, in: E. B. Tsigarida – K. Tzanavari – A. Chrysostomou (eds.), Πότνια Πέλλης. Τιμητικός τόμος για την Μαρία Λιλιμπάκη-Ακαμάτη (Thessaloniki 2022) 79-86.
C. KRUYSHAAR – K. A. RODGERS – M. J. HAAGSMA – S. KARAPANOU, “Phocaean” Cookware in Achaia Phthiotis (Thessaly), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 289-305.
V. ANTONIADIS – G. PLIAKOU, The Archaeology of “Dead Cities”: Ceramic Evidence from Late Hellenistic and Roman Epirus, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 527-543.
K. GRAVANI – D. DROSOU, Amphorae from the Anceitn Cassope, Epirus – Greece, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 111-125.
G. PASCUAL – G. PLIAKOU, Transport Amphorae from the Late Hellenistic Farmstead of Episkopi, Ioannina, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 747-758.
G. ACKERMANN, Pottery Production in Central Euboea during the Hellenistic Period, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 99-109.
M. C. MILLER, Playing with Persians in Athenian Imagery of the 4th Century BCE, Ktèma: Civilisations de l’Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 47, 2022, 53-68.
K. FILIS – V. STAIKOU, The Transport Amphorae from the Port Facilities of Ancient Leukas. Local/Regional and Extra-regional Exchange Networks, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 263-278.
J. W. HAYES – K. WARNER SLANE, Late Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Pottery, Isthmia XI (Princeton 2022).
M. GODSEY – M. GRADOZ, Pottery from Orneai in the Western Argolid (4th cent. BCE – 2nd cent. CE), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 581-594.
S. A. JAMES, New Analyses of Hellenistic B-type Amphorae from Corinth, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 733-746.
R. KLOCKL, Zu einigen Reliefbechern aus Pheneos, Arkadien, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 595-606.
S. I. ROTROFF, An Italian in Arcadia? Moldmade Bowls of Italian Type at Mount Lykaion, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 793-803.
A.-S. MARTZ, A Delian / Cycladic Cookware Production?, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 81-98.
A. PEIGNARD-GIROS, Delos in an Eastern Mediterranean Roman Network in the 2nd-1st Centuries B.C. The Evidence from Pottery, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 279-287.
B. ERICKSON, Conceptualizing Southeastern Crete in the Archaci Through Hellenistic Periods, in: E. Oddo – K. Chalikias (eds.), South by Southeast. The History and archaeology of Southeast Crete from Myrtos to Kato Zakros (Oxford 2022) 101-115.
N. MASSAR, Cretan Fine Wares in and out of Crete. Trade Patterns and Distribution Networks, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 495-515.
E. NODAROU, ‘Εδώ στο Νότο’: South Coarse Fabrics and Patterns of Pottery Production in South-Southeast Crete, in: E. Oddo – K. Chalikias (eds.), South by Southeast. The History and archaeology of Southeast Crete from Myrtos to Kato Zakros (Oxford 2022) 92-100.
N. VOGEIKOFF-BROGAN, East Crete between Metellus and Octavian (67-31 BCE): The Case of Mochlos, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 517-526.
IBERIA (A. Ribera)
I. AMOROS – J. VIVES-FERRÁNDIZ, De las políticas comensales a las relaciones sociales: cerámicas áticas en La Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, Valencia), Archivo Español de Arqueología 95, 2022.
M. LÓPEZ-BERTRAN – J. VIVES-FERRÁNDIZ, Arqueologia ibèrica a Xàbia, Quaderns del Museu de Xàbia 4 (Xàbia 2022).H. UROZ, Libisosa. Historia congelada, Serie I – Estudios 272 (Albacete 2022).
Edited Volumes
T. ÑACO – J. PRINCIPAL – M. DOBSON (eds.), Rome and the North-Western Mediterranean Integration and Connectivity c. 150-70 BC (Oxford & Philadelphia 2022).
C. T. DA SILVA – J. SOARES (coords.), O Castro de Chibanes na Conquista Romana. Intervenções arqueológicas de 1996 a 2017, Setúbal Arqueológica 20 (Setúbal 2022).
A. M. ADROHER – A. CRISTO – C. MORENO – B. ORTIZ – J. A. ROJAS, Contextos del 100 a.C. en Iliberri (Albaicín, Granada). Datos para un estudio ceramológico de un hallazgo cerrado, Astarté, Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo 5, 2022, 33-54.
C. AGUAROD, Cerámicas itálicas importadas de uso común. Entre la utilidad y el prestigio, in: C Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández –M. R. Pina (eds.), Actas del V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Alcalá de Henares, 2019). De la costa al interior, SECAH/Museo Arqueológico Regional de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid 2022) 321-351.
A. M. ARRUDA – M. RODRIGUES, A ocupação romana da Lezíria (Castro Marim, Portugal), Ophiussa 6, 2022, 187-208.
D. ASENSIO – R. CARDONA – J. MORER – B. GIL – F. J. CANTERO – L. BONVEHÍ – M. PINTO – M. ROSSELLÓ – J. POU, L’impacte de la implantació romana entre les comunitats lacetanes i traces de presència itàlica a la zona durant el segle II aC (Sant Miquel de Sorba i Castellvell d’Olius), Treballs d’Arqueologia 25, 2022, 205-238.
F. J. BLANCO – J. M. GUTIÉRREZ – E. GARCÍA – M. C. REINOSO – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, Un fragmento de ánfora itálica Dr. 1 con titulus pictus procedente de Mesas de Asta, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 21-25.
F. J. BLANCO – J. M. GUTIÉRREZ – M. C. REINOSO – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, Dos nuevos sellos de ánforas brindisinas localizados en el Bajo Guadalquivir, Palaeohispanica 22, 2022, 161–180.
F. J. BLANCO – M. C. REINOSO – J. M. GUTIÉRREZ – E. GARCÍA – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, Un conjunto de ánforas tardorrepublicanas procedentes del yacimiento de Mesas de Asta (Campaña 1945-46): viejos datos para nuevas interpretaciones, Revista, Historia de Jerez 25, 2022, 9-48.
J. CANELA – J. LÓPEZ – N. OTERO – A. CORRALES – L. ALONSO – M. C. BELARTE, La Costa de Serra: un nucli fortificat romanorepublicà al Camp de Tarragona, Butlletí Arqueològic 44, 2022, 5-42.
G. CARDOSO – L. BATALHA, O Casal do Clérigo (Cascais) entre o século V e o século X, Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras 30, 2022, 57-88.
C. CHACÓN – A. ARANCIBIA – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO – B. MORA, Amphorae production in Punic and Late Punic Malaka (Málaga, Spain). New evidence from the Carranque – Juan XXIII area, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 365-384.
M. J. ESTARÁN, Los primeros contactos entre la península itálica y la península ibérica. Sellos y tituli picti itálicos sobre ánforas hallados en el Levante hispano, Lingvarvm varietas 11, 2022, 200-215.
E. FERRER – F. J. GARCÍA – V. MORENO, Punic amphorae in the interior of the Guadalquivir Valley: Origin, distribution and contents, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 365-384.
E. FERRER – J. REY – J. RODRIGUEZ – A. SÁEZ ROMERO – F. J. GARCÍA, Punic amphorae in Northwest Iberia. Origin, distribution and commercial dynamics, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 499-512.
V. FILIPE, Economia e comércio marítimo de Olisipo: produção, exportação e importação, Scaena 3, 2022, 44-55.
L. DE FRUTOS, ¿Y se hizo la luz? Producciones lucernarias en la costa layetana (s. I aC – s. V dC): observaciones preliminares, in: F. N. Silva – J. M. Bermúdez – J. Pérez González (eds.), Historia antigua en diálogo. Humanidades digitales e innovaciones metodológicas (Oxford 2022) 235–249.
J. L. FUENTES – N. SÁNCHEZ, Tres piezas en cerámica GBR halladas en Elo (El Monastil, Elda, Alicante), Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 33-38.
F. J. GARCÍA – V. MORENO – E. FERRER, The local production of amphorae in Turdetania during the Second Iron Age: A typological, compositional and commercial analysis of manufacture and distribution, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 385-400.
F. J. GARCÍA FERNANDEZ – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, Almost Roman. Change and Persistence in the Table Wares of Southwestern Iberia after the Roman Conquest (2nd century B.C.), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP (Athens, 2019) (Vienna 2022) 365-382.
F. J. GARCÍA FERNANDEZ – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO – P. M. ALBUQUERQUE – E. FERRER – L. GUILLÉN, Contextos romano-republicanos de Cerro Macareno (La Rinconada, Sevilla). Avance de la campaña de 2018, in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 103-118.
A. GARCÍA – F. PRADOS, Un santuario fenicio en el castillo de Guardamar, in: F. Parres – M. Martínez – S. Cela (eds.), 750 Aniversari. Vila i Castell de Guardamar (Guardamar 2022).
F. B. GOMES, Reconstructing Trade in Hellenistic Iberia: Ceramic Unguentaria and Other Perfume Vessels from the Late Iron Age to the Early Roman Period, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 351-364.
R. GUIMARÃES, Importação de materiais anfóricos no porto de Pollentia (Alcúdia, Maiorca) entre os séculos IV a. C. e I a. C.: novos dados para o conhecimento das dinâmicas comerciais em Maiorca em período republicano, in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 93-101.
F. IMPERIAL, O sítio arqueológico de Arruelas (Maiorca, Figueira da Foz, Portugal) no contexto da Conquista Romana do Ocidente Peninsular, Ophiussa 6, 2022, 105 -125.H. JIMENEZ – F. PRADOS – J. C. DE NICOLÁS – A. M. ADROHER, Punic amphorae in post-Talayotic Menorca (fifth to first century BCE), in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 323-340.M. LARA – J. A. RETAMOSA – M. Á. PASCUAL, A propósito de un conjunto de askoi zoomorfos de Gadir, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 17-21.
M. R. LÓPEZ, Ungüentarios helenísticos globulares de la necrópolis insular de Gadir, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 14-17.
E. LÓPEZ – A. LORRIO – M. TORRES, Hallazgos protohistóricos de procedencia subacuática del sur de la provincia de Alicante y la navegación de época colonial, in: R. Azuar – O. Inglese (coords.), Carta arqueológica subacuática de Alicante II: El Sinus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola/Tabarca – Pilar de la Horada, Alicante) Siglos V a.C. – XIX d.C. (Alicante 2022) 157-188.
J. L. LÓPEZ – C. A. PARDO – L. MOYA, The amphorae from Baria (Villaricos, Spain), in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 353-364.
M. LUACES, A study on the Late Punic amphorae from the Circle of the Strait: From production to distribution patterns in the western Mediterranean, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 427-442.S. MACHAUSE – R. SKEATES, Caves, Senses, and Ritual Flows in the Iberian Iron Age: The Territory of Edeta, Open Archaeology 8, 2022, 1-26.
V. MARTÍNEZ, Enough to feed an army? Amphora production, agricultural yield and logistics during the Second Punic War, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 49-62.
D. MATEO, Estudio del comercio marítimo del Sinus Ilicitanus en época romana desde la República tardía a la Tardoantigüedad (ss. II a. C. – VI d.C.), in: R. Azuar – O. Inglese (coords.), Carta arqueológica subacuática de Alicante II: El Sinus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola/Tabarca – Pilar de la Horada, Alicante) Siglos V a.C. – XIX d.C. (Alicante 2022) 189-214.I. MODRZEWSKA-PIANETTI, Amfory wekspozycji muzeum archeologicznego w Murcji (Hiszpania), Collectanea Philologica XXV, 2022, 117-121.
V. MORENO, Identidades culturales a través del análisis tecnológico cerámico. Reflexiones en torno a la romanización de la Turdetania-Bética, Pyrenae 53, 1, 2022, 89-111.
A. M. NIVEAU DE VILLEDARY – J. V. MORALES – A. SANCHÍS – A. LÓPEZ – N. SICRE – P. VÍLCHEZ, Primeros resultados arqueozoológicos y paleopatológicos de cánidos procedentes de pozos rituales (Cádiz, España), in: J. Jiménez – M. Bustamante – F. J. Mora (eds.), X Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular (Zafra, 2018) (Zafra 2022) 696-756.
F. J. NÚÑEZ, Alfareros orientales en alfares occidentales: contextualizando la producción cerámica fenicia en el Mediterráneo, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 81–96.C. A. PARDO, Another kind of salting: The salt-cured meat in Phoenician amphorae, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 29-48.
J. PERA – N. ROMANÍ – E. RODRIGO – C. CARRERAS – L. CATARINEU, El contexto cerámico del castellum republicano de Puig Castellar de Biosca, in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 43-56.
J. PIMENTA, Early evidence of the military roman conquest. The Atlantic coast of the ulterior province, Treballs d’Arqueologia 25, 13-39.
M. R. PINA, Ánforas romanas en el ámbito carpetano (provincias de Madrid, Guadalajara y Toledo), in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 437-448.
A. M. POVEDA NAVARRO, Llegada de productos cerámicos tardohelenísticos a Oretania septentrional. Las evidencias del oppidum de Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete), in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 69-82.
A. M. POVEDA NAVARRO – P. PUPPO, Nuovi dati sulla diffusione della cerámica ellenistica a rilievo nelle Isole Baleari (Spagna), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 781-791.
F. PRADOS – H. JIMÉNEZ – A. GARCÍA, De la Astarté fenicia a la diosa-madre ibérica. Análisis de la documentación arqueológica del santuario del Castillo de Guardamar (Alicante), Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina 34, 2022, 145-171.
D. QUIXAL – C. MATA – V. ALBELDA – Y. CARRIÓN – G. PÉREZ – A. PÉREZ – L. SANCHO – J. M. TORREGROSA, La Casa de la Cabeza (Requena, València), un asentamiento rural de los siglos II-I a. C. Continuidad vs. cambio entre época ibérica y romana, Pyrenae 53, 2, 2022, 33-63.
C. RAMÍREZ – P. I. MARTÍNEZ – A. M. SÁEZ ROMERO, Sobre un punzón y varias piezas estampilladas “tipo Kuass” procedentes de Torre Alta (San Fernando, Cádiz), Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 9-13.
D. RODRÍGUEZ, Retos y oportunidades de futuro en el estudio de la cerámica ática en la Península ibérica, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 2–5.
E. RODRIGO, Los hallazgos de carácter ritual en el yacimiento de Can Tacó/Turó d’en Roina (Montmeló-Montornès del Vallès, Barcelona), Lucentum XL, 2022, 79-100.
E. RODRIGO – N. ROMANÍ, The Roman Conquest of Hispania Citerior. Strategies and Archaeological evidence in the north-eastern Peninsular Area. (II-I BCE): The examples of Puig Castellar of Biosca and Can Tacó (Catalonia, Spain), Collectanea Philologica XXV, 2022, 149-169.
A. M. RONDA, El oenochoe de las diosas de La Alcudia de Elche, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana 13, 2022, 25–28.
A. M. RONDA, Mujer y divinidad. La huella arqueológica del eterno femenino, in: M. T. Ávila – I. Fernández (Coords.), Apasionadas, mujeres y devociones (Madrid 2022) 87-108.A. SÁEZ ROMERO, Amphora production in Gadir (Cádiz Bay, Spain): An update, in: R. F. Docter – E. Gubel – V. Martinez – A. Perugini (eds.), Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World. The State of the Art, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 62 (Leuven 2022) 401-426.
A. SÁEZ ROMERO – M. R. LÓPEZ, Ceramic Unguentaria from the Bay of Cádiz (Spain) in the 3rd–1st Centuries B.C. A Review of Their Typological Evolution and Function, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 769-780.
A. SÁEZ ROMERO – A. ARANCIBIA – C. CHACÓN – B. MORA, La producción anfórica y el territorio de Malaka/Malaca entre los siglos VI y I a.C. Nuevos datos de las excavaciones en el área alfarera de la Avenida Juan XXIII), in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 759-778.
V. SORÍA, Adding complexity to a complex world: the role of tableware imports in Portugal during the 2nd and 1st centuries AD, in: T. D. Stek – A. Carneiro (eds.), The archeology of Roman Portugal in its western Mediterranean context. Proceedings of the conference Leiden University, 2018 (Oxford 2022) 125-146.
V. SORÍA, The Story of an Ordinary Object: Italic Black Gloss Tableware in Portugal During the 2nd and the 1st Century B.C., in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 339-349.
E. SOUSA – I. SILVA – C. PEREIRA – A. M. ARRUDA, Evidências dos primeiros contactos com o mundo romano em Monte Molião (Lagos, Portugal), in: C. Fernández – C. Heras – Á. Morillo – M. Zarzalejos – C. Fernández – M. R. Pina (eds.), De la costa al interior. Las cerámicas de importación en Hispania. V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH – Ex Officina Hispana (Alcalá de Henares, 2019) (Madrid 2022) 57-68.
E. SOUSA – F. B. GOMES – A. M. ARRUDA – C. PEREIRA, Importações orientais de época romana-republicana em Monte Molião (Lagos, Portugal), Archivo Español de Arqueología 95, 2022, 1-14.
J. TREMOLEDA – M. SANTOS – P. CASTANYER – E. HERNÁNDEZ, Nuevas evidencias de la instalación campamental del siglo II aC en la colina de Empúries: las estructuras tardorrepublicanas documentadas en la ínsula 30, Treballs d’Arqueologia 25, 2022, 261-318.
J. D. VICENTE – B. EZQUERRA, La cultura material de La Caridad (Caminreal): un análisis preliminar, Treballs d’Arqueologia 25, 2022, 119-152.
ITALY (Coord. L. Ambrosini)
S. PATITUCCI UGGERI – G. UGGERI, Spina tra Greci ed Etruschi. Le ceramiche di produzione locale, Suppl. XIV a Journal of Ancient Topography Rivista di Topografia Antica, Congedo Editore (Galatina 2022).
Book Chapters
F. BULGARELLI, Gruppo delle piccole stampiglie, in: A. M. Durante – S. Landi (eds.), La necropoli di Ameglia Cafaggio, Sagep Archeologia (Genova 2022) 320–332.A. CARINI, A.: Ceramica a vernice nera, in: Lo scavo a Parma sotto Palazzo Sanvitale (Oxford 2023) 8-21.
A. GAUCCI, Questioni di mobilità e memoria nella produzione artigianale: le impressioni con motivo “a lira” nella ceramica a vernice nera e grigia di IV-III sec. a.C., ΤΑΞΙΔΙΑ. Scritti per Fede Berti, Edizioni ETS (Pisa 2022) 159-168.
V. MANZELLI, La ceramica a vernice nera, in: F. Foroni – F. Guandalini – D. Rigato (eds.), Montegibbio di Sassuolo dalla preistoria alla tarda antichità. Nascita e resilienza di un sito archeologico ai condizionamenti geo-ambientali. Ricerche series maior 15 (Bologna 2022) 111-128.
A. R. MARCHI, Ceramica comune grezza di età repubblicana, in: Lo scavo a Parma sotto Palazzo Sanvitale (Oxford 2023) 55-66.
L. BRECCIAROLI TABORELLI, Dal Tirreno all’Adriatico. Ceramiche fini di IV–II secolo a.C. nell’area plestino-camerte, Picvs 42, 2022, 9-88.
G. FALEZZA – B. BRUNO, Processi di trasformazione culturale nel Veneto occidentale: il santuario di Minerva di Marano di Valpolicella (VR) in età tardo-repubblicana, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.1. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18–20 maggio 2017), ΠΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΙΝΟΠΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΝ Collana di studi di archeologia e storia del Mediterraneo 1 (Rome 2022) 231-244.
A. GAUCCI, Ceramiche etrusche figurate e a vernice nera nelle vallate appenniniche del Bolognese e del Fiesolano: produzione, consumo e mobilità degli artigiani, in: L. Cappuccini – A. Gaucci (eds.), Officine e artigianato ceramico nei siti dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano tra VII e IV secolo a.C., Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di studi sulla cultura materiale etrusca dell’Appennino, Arezzo 18 ottobre 2019- Dicomano 19 ottobre 2019, Biblioteca di Studi Etruschi 66, Giorgio Bretschneider (Rome 2022) 495-553.
E. GOVI, L’economia del sacro a Marzabotto, Produrre per gli dei, L’economia per il sacro nell’Italia preromana (VII-II sec.a.C.), Scienze dell’Antichità, 28.2, 2022, 201-222.M. HARARI – E. CALANDRA – A. GOBBI – S. PALTINERI – R. PERETTO – M. T. A. ROBINO – E. SMOQUINA – F. WIEL-MARIN, San Cassiano di Crespino, un insediamento rurale etrusco nella chora di Adria. Le importazioni di ceramica attica e altri aggiornamenti, ArchCl LXXIII, 2022, 27-96.
A. LOJACONO, Un cup-skyphos del gruppo del ramo a punti al Museo Archeologico Paolo Giovio di Como, Rivista Archeologica Comense 203-204, 2021-2022, 130-135.V. MANTOVANI – A. MENEGAZZI – A. ZARA, Le vernici nere di Adria presso il Museo di scienze archeologiche e d’arte dell’Università di Padova, AVen 45, 2022, 99-137.S. M. MARENGO, Ceramica a vernice nera graffita da Camerino a Pievefavera, Picvs 42, 2022, 89-107.
P. NEGRI, La ceramica fine da mensa di età tardo-repubblicana e prima età imperiale dagli scavi della Cattedrale di Sant’Alessandro in Bergamo, NotABerg 30, 2022, 35-52.A. PAGANO, Archeologia di una valle alpina: la Valle Antigorio tra seconda età del Ferro ed età romana, Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 6, 2022, 11-42.
C. TREVISANELLO, Il vino a Spina fra IV e III sec. a.C. Problemi di produzione, commercio e consume, in: S. Bruni (ed.), Etruria felix. Produzione, trasformazione e consumo delle risorse alimentari nei territori etruschi. Giornate in onore di Giovannangelo Camporeale. Massa Marittima, 25-26 settembre 2021 (Pisa 2022) 277-293.
P. VENTURA – V. DEGRASSI, Aquileia e l’Adriatico fra II e I secolo a.C.: lo stato delle conoscenze e i contesti guida, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.1. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18–20 maggio 2017). ΠΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΙΝΟΠΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΝ Collana di studi di archeologia e storia del Mediterraneo 1, Tomo I (Rome 2022) 399-418.
L. XAVIER DE SILVA, La ceramica comune dell’area forense di Pollentia-Urbs Salvia. Dall’età medio-tardo repubblicana alla prima età imperiale, in: Roma e il mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio, 2. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18-20 maggio 2017) (Rome 2022) 677-692.
A. GAUCCI, Il vino e il suo consumo, in: Spina100. Dal mito alla scoperta. A un secolo dal ritrovamento della città etrusca di Spina nell’antico delta del Po, Teseo Edizioni (Rome 2022) 121-123.
PICENUM (P. Puppo)
V. BALDONI, Osservazioni sui corredi funerari di IV-II sec. a.C. della necropoli Davanzali di Numana. Roma e il mondo adriatico: dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.1. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18–20 maggio 2017). ΠΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΙΝΟΠΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΝ Collana di studi di archeologia e storia del Mediterraneo 1, Tomo I (Rome 2022) 599-616.
G. PACI – S. M. MARENGO – S. ANTOLINI, Ancona “città greca” nel II sec. a.C. Roma e il mondo adriatico: dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.1. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18–20 maggio 2017). ΠΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΙΝΟΠΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΝ Collana di studi di archeologia e storia del Mediterraneo 1, Tomo II (Rome 2022) 517-540.
M. PAGANO, Nuove ricerche su Ancona e il suo territorio nel IV-III sec. a.C. Roma e il mondo adriatico: dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio II.1. Adriatico centrosettentrionale e orientale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Macerata (18–20 maggio 2017). ΠΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΙΝΟΠΑ ΠΟΝΤΟΝ Collana di studi di archeologia e storia del Mediterraneo 1, Tomo II (Rome 2022) 541-558.
L. AMBROSINI, Relazioni tra pittura parietale e ceramografia: un caso di contaminazione di Charun e Medusa?, MEFRA 134.2, 2022, 299-316 (https://journals.openedition.org/mefra/13439).
L. AMBROSINI, Gli Etruschi e il consumo alimentare del pesce, in: S. Bruni (ed.), Etruria Felix. Risorse alimentari in Etruria: Produzione, Trasformazione e Consumo. Giornata di Studi in onore di Giovannangelo Camporeale, Massa Marittima, 25-26 settembre 2021 (Pisa 2022) 13-48.
F. GALETTA, La ceramica a vernice nera di Cerveteri. Spunti e riflessioni dal santuario del Manganello, ScAnt 28, 2022, 2, 493-501.
A. GAUCCI, Ceramiche etrusche figurate e a vernice nera nelle vallate appenniniche del Bolognese del Fiesolano. Produzione, consumo e mobilità degli artigiani, in: Officine e artigianato ceramico nei siti dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano tra VII e IV secolo a.C. Atti del I Convegno internazionale di studi sulla cultura materiale etrusca dell’Appennino. Arezzo 18 ottobre 2019, Dicomano 19 ottobre 2019 (Rome 2022) 495-554.
A. GRANDI, La ceramica etrusca a vernice nera da un particolare contesto entro il temenos del tempio di Uni, appendice I, in: Officine e artigianato ceramico nei siti dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano tra VII e IV secolo a.C. Atti del I Convegno internazionale di studi sulla cultura materiale etrusca dell’Appennino. Arezzo 18 ottobre 2019, Dicomano 19 ottobre 2019 (Rome 2022) 533-541.
A. MARTIN – A. RIBERA I LACOMBA, Black-Gloss Ware Produced at Pompeii. Finds from the Excavations of the Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 183-194.
I. MONTALI, I materiali ceramici. Le classi ceramiche. Ceramica a pareti sottili. Ceramiche comuni. Lucerne. Contenitori da trasporto. Louteria e sostegni per louteria fittili, in: Basilica Iulia I. Gli scavi di Laura Fabbrini (1960-1964). Strutture, stratigrafie e materiali dalla prima età repubblicana alla costruzione augustea (Istanbul 2022) 452-474.
V. MORENO MEGÍAS, Fragments of luxuria. The Role of Amphorae in the Consumption of Fish Products in Republican Rome, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 723-731.
P. PUPPO, Tiburtini calices or gemmata potoria in thin walled ware. A luxury Roman production of the first imperial age, Instrumentum 56, 2022, 9-11.
I. ROMEO – A. CONTINO – L. D’ALESSANDRO – D. PANARITI – M. RODINÒ, Nuovi dati sulla ceramica a vernice nera e le anfore della città romana di Cosa (Ansedonia, GR/Italia). Le indagini dell’Universita di Firenze a Cosa: l’Edificio P, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 195-224.
F. M. ROSSI, I materiali ceramici. Le classi ceramiche. Ceramica etrusco-corinzia. Ceramica depuratata. Ceramica a vernice nera, in: Basilica Iulia I. Gli scavi di Laura Fabbrini (1960 – 1964). Strutture, stratigrafie e materiali dalla prima età repubblicana alla costruzione augustea (Istanbul 2022) 438-452.
A. STEINER, Classical and Hellenistic black-glaze pottery from Poggio Colla, in: Officine e artigianato ceramico nei siti dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano tra VII e IV secolo a.C. Atti del I Convegno internazionale di studi sulla cultura materiale etrusca dell’Appennino. Arezzo 18 ottobre 2019, Dicomano 19 ottobre 2019 (Rome 2022) 385-398.
E. TACCOLA, Pisa, Piazza del Cuomo. The Hellenistic Pottery as Commercial and Economic Indicator of the Northern Coastal Etruria, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 667-682.
D. VENDRELL CABANILLAS, Una nueva enócoe falisca atribuida al Pintor de Florencia 4099 del Grupo Fluido, RdA 46. 2022 [2023], 35-47.
UMBRIA (L. Cenciaioli)
Book Chapters
E. ROSCINI – F. BIANCHI – V. CARDARELLI – S. FERRARI – T. PATILLI – F. SCALIA – S. ZAMPOLINI FAUSTINI, Amelia. Gli scavi archeologici in località il Trullo, in: E. Roscini (ed.), Fra tutela e ricerca. Indagini archeologiche in territorio amerino, Sabap Umbria, 2022, 13-80, esp. 16-19.
C. NOFERI, Terracotta Figurines in the Hellenistic Grave Goods of the Southern Etruria: Meanings and Production Areas, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 405-410.
MOLISE (L. Ambrosini)
Book Chapters
C. CASALE, Alcuni dati sulla ceramica a vernice nera dell’Edificio A est del Tempio B, in: Archeologia a Pietrabbondante. Fasi edilizie, oggetti di culto, materiali (Rome 2022) 377-382.
D. DEIDDA, Edificio A est del Tempio B. La ceramica a vernice nera, in: Archeologia a Pietrabbondante. Fasi edilizie, oggetti di culto, materiali (Rome 2022) 391-396.
S. ANGELINI, Edificio A est del Tempio B. La ceramica comune, pareti sottili e anfore, in: Archeologia a Pietrabbondante. Fasi edilizie, oggetti di culto, materiali. (Rome 2022) 383-389.
F. MOLLO (ed.), L’insediamento di Santa Gada di Laino Brogo. Ricerche dell’Università di Messina (2018-2021) (Mannelli 2022).
Congress Proceedings
F. D’ANDRIA – G. SEMERARO (eds.), Messapia: Economy and Exchanges in the Land between Ionian and Adriatic Sea. Panel 3.9. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Band 12 (Heidelberg 2022).
A. INCORVAIA – H. MAIORANA – G. PACE – T. TESCIONE (eds.), Testaceum I. Studia Amphoraria Emilio Rodriguez Almeida Dedicata. Le anfore betiche Dressel 20: produzione e diffusione. Atti del Convegno internazionale Pisa 25-26 maggio 2021, Gradus 17, 2022.
Book chapters
C. DE MITRI, Messapians beyond the Messapia: mobility and trade networks in the Late Hellenistic age (end of 3th-1st BC), in: C. M. Mauro – D. Chapinal-Hera – M. Vadés Guía (eds.), People on the move across the Greek World, Estudios Helénicos 4 (Sevilla 2022) 247-256.
F. MEO, Nuovi dati sull’età annibalica in Messapia: il caso di Muro Leccese, in: M. Cipriani – E. Greco – A. Salzano – C. I. Tornese (eds.), Catastrofi, Distruzioni, Storia, Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo, V Edizione (Paestum 2022) 79-90.
C. DE MITRI, Trade Product, Personal Good or Gift? A few Case Studies in the Late Hellenistic Ionian-Adriatic Area, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 683-694.
C. S. FIORIELLO, Produzione ceramica in Puglia nell’età della romanizzazione, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 225-237.
G. MASTRONUZZI – V. MELISSANO – C. DE MITRI, La Puglia meridionale tra il III e il II sec. a.C.: alcune considerazioni, in: R. Perna – R. Carmenati – M. Giuliodori (eds.), Roma e il mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio. II. Adriatico centrosettentrionale, centromeridionale e orientale. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Macerata (18-20 maggio 2017) (Rome 2022) 1003-1027.
C. PÖNITZ-HUNZIKER, From the Table to the Grave (?). The Different Use of Ceramics in House and Grave Contexts in Crotone (Calabria), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 395-404.
F. TOMEI, The Hellenistic Pottery Kilns from the chora of Metaponto: A Landscape Analysis to Understand Locational Choices and Networks of Distribution, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 127-140.
R. AGOSTINO – M. SICA (eds.), Lokroi Epizephyrioi. Il museo della polis (Catalogo dell’esposizione) (Reggio Calabria 202).
E. DEGL’INNOCENTI – D. LEONE – M. TURCHIANO – G. VOLPE (eds.), Taras e i doni del mare – Taras and the gifts of the sea. Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto – MArTA, Adrias 15 (Bari 2022).
Online publications
G. MASTROCINQUE, Il confronto con la sponda orientale del bacino ionico-adriatico evidenzia la costante presenza di tale vasellame (De Mitri, Loprieno 2019 e De Mitri 2023) soprattutto nella media e tarda età imperiale. https://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2022-523.pdf
SICILY (A. Granata)
L. M. CALIO – G. M. GEROGIANNIS – F. LEONI – G. RAIMONDI, Agrigento 2. Il Santuario ellenistico-romano. Scavi 2013-2017. I materiali, (Studi Agrigentini 2) (Rome 2022).
M. PISANI, Camarina. La casa e la bottega di Dione acquistate da Sosistrato. Il quartiere e le vicende archeologiche (Rome 2022).
Edited volumes
M. T. MAGRO – M. S. SCARAVILLI (eds.), Il Museo Civico Archeologico P. Vagliasindi di Randazzo – I. Materiali di età arcaica e classica (Rome 2022).
C. MICHELINI (ed.), Scavi e ricerche ad Agrigento (AG; 2021), Entella (Contessa Entellina, PA; 2021), Segesta (Calatafimi-Segesta, TP; 2021) e Locri Epizefiri (Locri, RC), in: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, serie 5, 2022, 14/2. Supplemento 2022 (Pisa 2022).
F. TOMASELLO (ed), Il Ginnasio romano di Siracusa, Cronache di Archeologia-Monografie (Rome 2022).
L. AMBROSINI, Hellenistic Pottery from Lipari (Sicily) Imitating Metal Vases, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 161-182.
C. BONANNO, Scavi archeologici in località Casalgismondo (Aidone-EN), in: M. Cipriani – E. Greco – A. Salzano – C.I. Tornese (eds.), Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo Atti del V Convegno Internazionale di Studi, 2020 (Paestum, 19-21 novembre 2020) (Rome 2022) 227-236.
V. CAMINNECI, Immagini sulla sigillata africana rinvenuta in Sicilia: iconografie e codici culturali, in: R. Panvini – A. Nicotra (eds.), La ceramica in Sicilia dalla Preistoria all’Età Contemporanea, Atti del II Convegno Internazionale (Museo Diocesano Catania, 11-12-13 novembre 2021) (Rome 2022) 117-124.
A. CARLEVARIS – S. NOCITA, Tindari: nuovi dati dallo studio delle ceramiche fini degli scavi Lamboglia 1950-1956, in: M. Cipriani – E. Greco – A. Salzano – C.I. Tornese (eds.), Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo Atti del V Convegno Internazionale di Studi, 2020 (Rome 2022) 407-416.
F. FERLITO, La ceramica a ingobbio rosso, in: L. M. Caliò – G. M. Gerogiannis – F. Leoni, Agrigento 2. Il Santuario ellenistico-romano. Scavi 2013-2017. I materiali (Rome 2022) 65-96.
V. R. GUARNERA, Osservazioni preliminari sulla produzione artigianale di Siracusa. I contesti di Via Carso e Santa Lucia, in: M. Cipriani – E. Greco – A. Salzano – C. I. Tornese (eds.), Dialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo Atti del V Convegno Internazionale di Studi, 2020 (Rome 2022) 237-248.
M. T. MAGRO, I vasi plastici sicelioti: tipologia e cronologia, in: R. Panvini – A. Nicotra (eds.), La ceramica in Sicilia dalla Preistoria all’Età Contemporanea Atti del II Convegno Internazionale (Museo Diocesano Catania, 11-12-13 novembre 2021) (Rome 2022) 55-60.
D. MALFITANA, Exploring the “cultural revolution” in ancient Sicily between Hellenization and Romanization: a reassessment, in: J. Principal – T. Naco de Hoyo – M. Dobson (eds.), Rome and the North Western Mediterranean: Integration and Connectivity c.150-70 BCE (Oxford 2022) 189-203.
Ch. MICHELINI – M. C. PARRA, Entella. La terrazza inferiore del complesso monumentale del vallone Est (SAS 3/30): nuovi dati dal Thesmophorion urbano, AnnPisa 14, 2, Suppl. 2022 (Pisa 2022) 167-195.
S. RAFFIOTTA – M. F. ALBERGHINA – S. SCHIAVONE, La ceramica sovraddipinta ellenistica in Sicilia. Nuovi dati archeometrici da Morgantina, in: R. Panvini – A. Nicotra (eds.), La ceramica in Sicilia dalla Preistoria all’Età Contemporanea Atti del II Convegno Internazionale (Museo Diocesano Catania, 11-12-13 novembre 2021) (Rome 2022) 103-113.F. SCHÖN – S. CESPA – T. SCHÄFER, Gli edifici pubblici tra i colli di S. Teresa e S. Marco sull’Acropoli di Cossyra: i risultati degli scavi 2017-2022, Sicilia Archeologica 113, 2022, 129-145.
M. SERINO, Ceramica a figure rosse e mobilità artigianale negli ultimi decenni di vita di Himera. Tra produzioni locali, importazioni attiche ed influenze magnogreche, Kokalos LIX, 2022, 239-257.
Online publications
L. GUZZARDI – M. PISANI – F. FASOLI – A. SIMONELLI – C. TOZZI – M. VITALITI – G. A. DELLA SALA – G. PACCONI – E. PETULLÀ – F. REDI – C. SUGAMELE – G. LUGLIO, Leontinoi. Ricerche in corso su Colle San Mauro, FOLD&R Italy 2022, 531.
G. MONTANA – L. RANDAZZO – M. GASPARO MORTICELLI – V. BALDONI – B. BECHTOLD, The production of western Greek amphorae in Agrigento (Southern Sicily): An archaeometric and archaeological characterisation of the late 6th-4th centuries BCE series, in: Journal Of Archaeological Science: Reports, 45, 2022, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103627
SARDINIA (E. Piccardi)
D. D’ORLANDO, From Urban to Rural: Trade and Production Between Caralis and its Hinterland (Sardinia, Italy), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 383-393.
CORSICA (E. Piccardi)
V. JOLIVET, Trois questions posées par la céramique étrusque à figures rouges d’Aleria, in: V. Jolivet (ed.), Aleria et ses territoires, Collectivité de Course (Bastia 2022) 125-144.
LEVANT (A. Laftsidis)
S. MERMELSTEIN, Off to Market: The Production and Movement of Hellenistic Moldmade Relief Bowls (MMBs) in the Southern Levant, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 805-812.
B. MONNICKENDAM-GIVON, Cooking Vessels Production in Southern-Phoenicia: A Selective Use, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 47-63.
NEAR EAST (G. Lindström)
I. CALINI, Ceramic Finds of the Hellenistic-Seleucid Era from Qasr Shemamok (2012 Campaign, Area A-East), in: L. Marti – O. Rouault – A. Tenu (eds.), Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies 2 (Oxford 2022) 470-512.
RUSSIA (A. Laftsidis – T. V. Egorova)
S. Y. MONAKHOV – I. I. MARCHENKO – N. Y. LIMBERIS – E. V. KUZNECZOVA – N. B. CHUREKOVA, Амфоры VII–I вв. до н.э. из собрания Краснодарского государственного историко-археологического музея-заповедника имени Е.Д. Фелицына (Saratov 2022).
T. V. EGOROVA, Краснофигурная и чернолаковая керамика. Каталог-риложение, in: I. V. Rukavishnikova – D. V. Beilin – N. F. Fedoseev, Материалы спасательных археологических исcледований (Moscow 2022) 163-210.
T. V. EGOROVA – D. V. ZHURAVLEV, О двух медальонах на эллинистических каленских чашах из Пантикапея, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 108-115.
T. V. EGOROVA – Т. А. IL’INA – S . М. IL’YACHENKO, Об одном уникальном сосуде из раскопок памятника археологии Усадьба Воскресенское 2, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 116-126.
M. E. KLEMESHOVA – G. A. LOMTADZE, Imitation of Greek Ceramics Imported from the Ancient Settlements of Bosporus, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 35-46.
E. V. KUZNETSOVA – S. Y. MONAKHOV, Trade Connections of the Northern Black Sea Region in the Hellenistic Period (After Materials of Museum Collections), in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 447-461.
N. Y. LIMBERIS – I. I. MARCHENKO, Комплексы с амфорами Прикубанской» серии из могильников городищ Старокорсунского № 2 и хут. Ленина № 3, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 268-282.
G. A. LOMTADZE, Транспортные амфоры и их фрагменты из раскопок поселения «Ахтанизовская 4», in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 283-301.
M. MATERA – S. IL’YASHENKO – S. NAUMENKO, The Dynamics of the Development of Amphora Trade at Tanais in 3rd – 2nd Centuries B.C., in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 463-473.
M. MATERA – S. A. NAUMENKO, О ёмкости родосских амфор, их стандартизации и объёме родосского импорта в Танаис, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 326-343.
S. Y. MONAKHOV – N. B. CHUREKOVA, Hellenistic Amphorae in the Project “Greek Amphorae from the Northern Pontus Euxinus (7th – 2nd Century B.C.) – APE”, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 307-313.
N. M. SEKERSKAYA – I. V. BRUYAKO, Чернолаковая керамика из раскопок городища Картал на Нижнем Дунае, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 376-392.
R. V. STOYANOV, Несколько замечаний о контексте находок транспортных амфор из раскопок херсонесского некрополя, проводившихся под руководством ИАК, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 393-398.
S. V. USHAKOV, Сероглиняная керамика с чёрным покрытием из Херсонеса: основные проблемы изучения, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 408-424.
Y. A. VINOGRADOV, О составе керамического комплекса поселения Фонтан 6 в Восточном Крыму, in: A. P. Medvedev (ed.), От Кавказа до Дуная: Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху (Saratov 2022) 72–79.
Y. A. VINOGRADOV – M. I. TYURIN – E. S. LESNAYA, Фрагмент формы для изготовления рельефной чаши из Южного пригорода Херсонеса, Археологические вести 31, 2022, 81-89.
D. V. ZHURAVLEV – G. A. LOMTADZE, Столовая посуда и светильники из Резиденции Хрисалиска, Древности Боспора 27, 2022, 59-100.
TURKEY (A. Laftsidis)
PH. BES – J. POBLOME, First Observations on Hellenistic Amphorae at Kinet Höyük, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 759-768.
D. DAEMS – J. POBLOME, The Hellenistic Pottery of Sagalassos: A Typological Update, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 607-617.
V. LUNGU, Labraunda: économie locale et contacts régionaux à l’époque hellénistique. La contribution des travailles céramiques, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 619-630.
UKRAINE (A. Laftsidis)
V. KOTENKO, Tauric Chersonesos Tableware on the Markets of the North-western Black Sea Region, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 437-445.
N. NOVOSELOVA – M. AKHMADEEVA, A Hellenistic Pottery Deposit from the “Archelaos” Household of Tauric Chersonessos: Evidence for Globalization, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 653-665.
S. ZANDIKOV – I. SHRAMKO, Rhodian Amphora from Lutishche and the Question of Greek Imports of the Hellenistic Period in the Forest-steppe Scythia, in: L. Rembart – A. Waldner (eds.), Manufacturers and Markets. The Contributions of Hellenistic Pottery to Economies Large and Small. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of IARPotHP, Athens, November 2019, 11th-14th (Vienna 2022) 813-822.